PLAYDATE is an acronym for People Learning and Asking "Y"; Digital Age Teacher Exploration. And this is a new kind of conference event! NO presenters. NO Agenda. Just PLAYing!
Think about the last time you attended an ed tech professional learning event. Oftentimes we leave full of new knowledge and a list overflowing with new apps, programs and skills to try out. However, once we return to the "real world" we lack the time and support to actually try out these new tools.
At PLAYDATEs educators from around the area join together for a few hours and just play. They work together to learn about ed tech apps, programs and tools with one another. There are no presenters, no experts and no agenda. Simply time to play, tinker and explore all at no cost!
Michigan PLAYDATEs are sponsored by the REMC Association and hosted by local REMCs. Check the Upcoming Events for one near you.
Organizing a PLAYDATE
The Pack & P.L.A.Y. toolkit shows you how to facilitate a PLAYDATE starting from before the event all the way through the after the event evaluation. Also includes details on how to setup registration.
PLAYDATE Resource Guides
Our PLAYDATE. collaborators have developed a series of PLAYDATE Resource Guides for educators. These free resource guides cover a wide range of topics and grade levels. They can be used to formulate lessons, projects, and programs for students. There are more than 60 guides available and the collection will keep growing!
PLAYDATE Participant Feedback
“I loved the unstructured time. Having a chance to really experiment with these new tools was amazing!”
“Opportunity to connect, explore, and plan with others. Rare to have time to think at PD, but we had that time and great resources to answer questions.”
“I liked how we were able to have time to work at our own pace.”
“The opportunity to learn something new, hear others' ideas, play with something new and leave refreshed to go back to my classroom and refresh my lessons.”
“I had time to discover things and ask questions that may be applicable in my classroom using technology.”