21things4students - Ready, Get set, Go
Preparing Students For Success In The 21st Century
Digital Literacy has become a buzzword used to describe knowledge and skills students need for success in the 21st century.
In 2018 the Michigan Department of Education adopted educational technology standards, the MITECS (Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students), that are based on the International Technology Standards for Students (ISTE-S).
The 21 Things 4 Students (21t4s) is a FREE website that provides technology integration activities that are aligned with the MITECS, and has received a Seal of Alignment from the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).
This independent learning unit will give you an introduction to the FREE resources in the 21 Things 4 Students (Grades 5-9) and a brief one to the MiTechKids (K-5) sites. This learning unit will help you learn about these resources and how to use different strategies for implementing the resources to enhance both student proficiency and skill development with technology in your own setting.
This is an Open Educational Resource that educators across the globe are free to use and customize. We ask that the resources used are credited to the source in accordance with the Creative Commons license.
This unit provides a guided exploration of the resources to help you implement these project and technology-based resources to engage students, and enhance their learning experiences to enrich and extend your curriculum.
Move on to Learn.
Teachers say that these engaging resources are helping students build and demonstrate technology proficiency for real-world success.