Partnership, Reciprocity

A Two-Way Street

In business, partners share the money the business makes. In education, families and schools share the successes and responsibilities that are part of making sure students are ready for life when they leave us. That school-home partnership has evolved as more of our lives have become virtual. How might we be more effective partners?

An Intentional Act

Partnership between school and home is more than a word. Partnership is an intentional act. It takes practice and effort on the part of the school and families so the partnership translates to the experience of students. While we have a role in partnership, the purpose behind partnership isn’t really about us at all.  It’s about ensuring the best possible experience for our children. This video outlines how you can approach partnership with intention.

Effective Feedback

Two-way partnership means understanding the perspective of others and making our perspective visible. Feedback that gets results is direct and specific so it can be acted upon. Great feedback is purposeful. Being intentional up front about our feedback can help us to be clear about what matters most. Relationships matter and our feedback is far more likely to be received well if it is given in the spirit of collaboration.  This video discusses how to maximize the message of your feedback.  
Ways to Partner

  • How might I build relationships with members of the school community?
  • Where might I go to find information?
  • What opportunities do I have to communicate how school might be a partner to my family and me?
  • How might I share my perspective, experience and expertise?

Begin By Trying These Things

  • Intentionally build a relationship with members of the school community.
  • Share both positive and constructive feedback with your student’s teacher, administrator and school.
  • Share your experiences to help schools see perspectives that may be underrepresented.
  • Model the change you want to see.

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