Learning Environment
Just as we must be intentional with our planning for learning, we must be intentional with how we establish our classroom space and with how we facilitate the day-to-day interactions with and among our students.
The three types of resources available range from a fully crafted professional learning plan, to a document with guiding questions and resources to help with creating a professional learning session from scratch.
Professional Learning Activities - “out-of-the-box” activities for professional learning all ready to use with a few personalized customizations. Each one is set up using the 5Es Inquiry model, based on the constructivist theory of learning; the five segments of each activity are: engagement, exploration, explaining, elaborating, and evaluating.
The Facilitator Guide for Professional Learning Activities provides a checklist to prepare for using one of these professional learning activities.
Learning Environment Guidebook - resources for 3 modules of content. Educators and professional development providers can integrate these resources into new or existing activities or training. Each module provides:
- Driving question for the module focus
- Learning objectives for the learners
- Webinar Recording for asynchronous learning
- Presentation for use in leading training
- Protocol for deeper or reflective thinking
Toolkit - provides guiding questions and resources around the Learning Environment topic; it is designed to help in designing professional learning experiences, or to give users a starting point for exploring a specific topic. The toolkit contains the following elements:
- Description of the focus of that section
- Guiding questions that can be used to focus professional development
- Content resources to support professional learning activities
- Integrated technology connections for easy integration into activities developed using these materials
The guiding questions and content resources provided were used to develop the companion resources found in the Guidebooks and Professional Learning Activities shared above.
Some ways in which the toolkit may be useful to you include:
- Developing your own custom professional development around this topic
- Integrating these ideas/skills into other existing content or offerings
- Expanding on or modifying the pre-created resources provided in the Guidebook or Professional Learning Activities