
Before a new software configuration is deployed, it must undergo testing with various combinations of software and hardware that might occur once it is deployed to your end users. Testing not only confirms the new software operates but also that it doesn’t conflict with any other applications already in your infrastructure and that data the application may access remains secure. 

You should know the following terms:

  • Quality assurance testing
  • Quality control testing

This critical step in the deployment process involves subjecting the software to rigorous testing before widespread deployment. IT teams review performance, functionality, and security both manually and with automated methods to identify and rectify defects or bugs. This process guarantees reliability and efficiency, ensuring that the software functions as intended while minimizing the risk of issues or downtime. 

  • Quality Assurance testing ensures that the software and configurations function correctly while meeting the required standards. System Administrators may conduct thorough testing while Level 1 Technicians run initial tests and gather feedback. 

  • Quality Control testing verifies that the deployed software works correctly across all devices. 

Some of the tasks Level 1 Technicians may be asked to complete during testing may include:

  • Participate in testing new deployments on a small scale to identify issues related to quality assurance; and

  • Collect and report feedback from users to improve future deployments.

Complete the following task or self-assessment:

Set up a small configuration test on a few devices. You may want to set up devices to replicate different user profiles, such as students, teachers, and administrative staff. These profiles might have access to different applications and types of data. Verify that your deployed software runs correctly and that the applications on the different user devices also still function correctly.