Hooray! Go Formative!

Formative! is a web-based tool that allows teachers to assess students on the fly, or at the beginning and end of a lesson. Teachers create the assessment, and students complete the assessment online. This tool is great for any grade level, but some of the features are very helpful for first graders. Get ready to Go Formative!
The cost is free for basic. However, you need to purchase a membership in order to gain full access.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
- Be able to illustrate how to solve an addition problem using a number line.
- Be able to show their mastery of number lines by completing a Go Formative! assessment.
Vocabulary Words:
Number Line: A number line is numbers listed in order from small to large, placed at even spaces along a line.
Addition: Addition is combining 2 numbers to get a sum.
Sum: The sum is an answer to an addition problem.
To prepare for this lesson:
Teachers should use this task card after teaching number lines to students. This task is to use Formative! to assess what students have learned. Teachers should set up the formative assessment before the lesson. Here are the steps to take:
Navigate to the Formative Website.
Create an account.
Select classes at the top of the screen and create your first class.
After creating your class, you can import your Google Classroom, or have students join using an easy code. Students must join your formative classroom in order for you to see their work.
Select Formatives on the top of the screen.
Select New Formative.
Create the assessment based on the information students need to know about number lines. For my example, I am using the drawing feature and having students draw their steps on the number line to solve a problem.
Please see the Formative Website for their tutorials.
Note: Setting up Formative is going to take some time to do especially the first time.
See the Accommodations Page and Charts on the 21things4students website in the Teacher Resources.
Directions for this activity:
The teacher teaches the number line concept to the students first.
The teacher sets up Formative and introduces it to the students.
The teacher makes sure all students have been added to the formative assessment that was previously created and assigned to students.
Students can see the assessment by going to Formative, or by the teacher assigning the assessment to Google Classroom.
Students complete the assessment and submit it.
Assessment Options
Different options for assessing the students:
- Observations
- Check for understanding
- The teacher looks at the results from Formative and ensures that every student can represent addition using a number line.
MITECS: Michigan adopted the "ISTE Standards for Students" called MITECS (Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students) in 2018.
Creative Communicator
6c. Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.
Devices and Resources
The teacher adds a short reading passage to a Go Formative and has students underline evidence that answers their question.
Integrated Arts
PE: Students create a drawing that shows their knowledge of a certain game or sports’ rules.
Art: Students show the difference between types of lines and patterns.
Music: Teacher asks students to show basic notes on a music sheet.
Students take an assessment to show their knowledge of subtraction with a number line.
Students create a diagram or drawing showing their knowledge of weather.
Social Studies
Students create a drawing showing how they are part of their school and the school is part of the community.
This task card was created by Lacey Kohn, Kalamazoo RESA, February 2018. Updated October 2023.