Ozo Pathways

Ozobot makes two robots called Evo and Bit that teach children basic programming skills. The Ozobot can identify lines, colors, and codes on both digital surfaces, such as an iPad, and physical surfaces, such as paper.
Did you know that kids can program Ozobots with markers? Guide them through this fun discovery while reviewing geometric shapes!
This task card may go along with the Ozobots Task Card activity in third grade.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
- Learn the correct way to code Ozobots with Markers.
- Be able to draw their own geometric shapes.
- Learn how to turn Ozobot on and calibrate him so that he can follow their shape path.
Vocabulary Words:
Angle: An angle is the meeting point of two lines.
Sides: Sides are a line segment that forms a shape on a two-dimensional figure.
Vertex: A vertex is a corner of a figure.
Be able to identify the following shapes:
To prepare for this lesson:
Preview how to calibrate Ozobot for marker coding.
Watch the video How to Draw Lines For Ozobot.
Watch the video How to Draw Intersections.
Draw some shapes yourself and test out the Ozobots.
Make sure Ozobots are charged.
Decide how to group students (in groups of two or three)
You will need white paper and markers.
You can purchase washable markers from Ozobot.
Any marker with a flat edge will do just fine though thicker markers work best.
See the Accommodations Page and Charts on the 21things4students website in the Teacher Resources.
Directions for this activity:
- The teacher will read the story or have the students watch the video When a Line Bends, A Shape Begins, by Rhonda Green.
- Review different shapes with the students.
- Talk about drawing shapes, lines, etc.
- Say to students, “ Ozobots are so neat because not only do they read computer programs, but they can follow directions with markers!!! We are going to see if our Ozobots can read our shapes today”
- Show the video on how to draw shapes for robots.
- Demonstrate to kids/ show the right and the wrong way to draw the lines for Ozobots.
- Show students how to calibrate the Ozobot.
- Have students draw two shapes.
- Once they draw the shapes, hand them an Ozobot.
- Ask them, "Did our Ozobot follow the shape?"
Note: For a more mature group, you can view the intersections and have students begin to combine shapes to see what Ozobot follows.
Assessment Options
Different options for assessing the students:
- Observations
- Check for understanding
- Please MAKE A COPY of this rubric and you can edit it as you see fit.
MITECS: Michigan adopted the "ISTE Standards for Students" called MITECS (Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students) in 2018.
Innovative Designer
4a. Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.
4b. Students select and use digital tools to plan and manage a design process that considers design constraints and calculated risks.
4c. Students develop, test and refine prototypes as part of a cyclical design process.
4d. Students exhibit a tolerance for ambiguity, perseverance and the capacity to work with open-ended problems.
Devices and Resources
Write your name and have the Ozobot trace it.
Write numbers and combine shapes.
This task card was created by Courtney Conley, Utica Community Schools, April 2018. Updated October 2023.