Grade 3

Blooket Fun

Empowered Learner, Digital Citizen


Blooket is an engaging classroom game that allows students to review various classroom skills, concepts, and topics. This task card explains the application and how to use it with students. 

Students will:

  • Be able to respond to Blooket questions
  • Be able to use their smartphone, tablet, or computer
  • Be able to see their results immediately

Vocabulary Words:

  1. Blook - A blook is a player in the game.

  2. Blooket - A Blooket is a question set.

To prepare for this lesson:

  • Create an account at Blooket.

  • Watch the “Getting Started with Blooket” to build background knowledge of the program.

  • After logging in, click on the “Discover” tab and search for a concept you would like to review
    with your students (e.g., addition facts, subtraction facts, types of triangles, etc).

  • If you choose to create your own question set, watch the “How to Create a Blooket Question Set.”

  • After you have selected a concept to review, select the “host” option.

  • Select a Game Mode to play with students. Watch the “Every Game Mode Blooket Explained” video
    to build background on the various game modes.

  • Select the amount of time for the Blooket, then select “Host Now” to display the join code for
    students to use with their devices

See Accommodations Page and Charts on the 21things4student website in the Teacher Resources. 

Directions for this activity:

  1. Review the targeted concept with students before
    hosting the Blooket.

  2. Instruct students to go to

  3. Display the join code for the Blooket so students can join the game on their devices.

  4. When all students have entered the game, begin the game.

Different options for assessing the students:

  • Observations
  • Check for understanding 
  • At the end of the game, Blooket will show you how many questions students answered correctly and incorrectly. The teacher may use this information to reteach concepts to struggling students and use
    enrichment for students who are showing mastery.
  • Blooket will also provide a summary of the questions students answered. You can
    see questions that many students missed to address these questions as a whole group.

MITECS: Michigan adopted the "ISTE Standards for Students" called MITECS (Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students) in 2018.

Empowered Learner
1.1a Students set learning goals, develop strategies leveraging technology to achieve them and reflect on the learning process to improve learning outcomes.
1.1b Students build networks and customize their learning environments in ways that support the learning process.
1.1c Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.

Digital Learner
1.1a Students manage their digital identity and understand the lasting impact of their online behaviors on themselves and others and make safe, legal and ethical decisions in the digital world.

Device: PC, Chromebook, Mac, iPad

Browser: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge, ALL

Apps. Extensions, Add-ons



Every Blooket Game Mode Explained

How to Create a Blooket Question Set

How to Get Started with Blooket


 Blooket has a variety of vocabulary-based Blookets, including grade-level-specific vocabulary words, figurative language, and concept-specific skills.

 Teachers can create their own question sets set to specific review concepts to their curriculum.

Blooket has a variety of Blookets that review math concepts, such as facts, practice problems, and geometry concepts. 

Teachers can create their own question sets for specific review concepts in their curriculum.

Teachers can create their own question sets for specific review concepts in their curriculum.

This task card was created by Toni Bassett, Grandville Public Schools, July 2024.