
Computational Thinking


Ozobot makes two robots called Evo and Bit that teach children basic programming skills. The Ozobot can identify lines, colors, and codes on both digital surfaces, such as an iPad, and physical surfaces, such as paper. 

Students can use Blockly or the Ozobot iPad app to program the robots. 

The introduction to the robots may just be a 20-30 minute activity, but there are endless STEAM activities that your students can do with the Ozobots throughout the year. 

Students will:

  • Be able to program and code Evo and Bit to do basic moves. 
  • Understand the basics of computational thinking. 
  • Be able to work collaboratively with others. 

Vocabulary Words:

  1. Coding: Coding is writing instructions for a computer to perform. 
  2. Computational Thinker: A computational thinker develops and employs the thought processes involved in formulating a problem and expressing its solution(s) in such a way that a computer-human or machine—can effectively carry out. 

To prepare for this lesson:

  • The teacher will purchase the Ozobots from the Internet or borrow them from your local REMC
  • Use the Ozobot site to learn how to program the Ozobots. 
  • Markers and paper are recommended as well as the Ozobot iPad. 
  • There are Ozobot stickers that can be purchased or the template is provided to print them out. - The Ozobot follows the path that the stickers make. 
  • The FAQs are a must to read with helpful tips for what type of markers to use, how to turn on/off the robots, how to code using Blockly. 
  • Look at the lesson plans for 3rd grade or modify those in the other grades so that they are appropriate for your students. (You will want to create an account to easily access and save the lessons.)

Optional Activities:

  • Once your students understand how to get the robots to move using the iPad app or the stickers, it is time to teach them how to code with Blockly. 
  • Here is a Google folder with ideas and a how-to create the stickers guide. Copy the documents into your own drive. 

To prepare for this activity:

  1. Introduce the students to Evo and/or Bit. 
  2. Explain that they are going to program the robots to follow the paths they have created and laid out using the stickers and/or markers. 
  3. Let the students explore first and create paths for the robot/s. 
  4. Then have the students use the robots in one of the 2nd-3rd STEAM recommended Ozobot lessons. 
  5. As the students understand the basic concept of coding the robots, introduce them to coding using Blockly


  • Draw wide lines (¼”), color codes as part of the path - not on top of the black line, and no closer than ¾” before the intersection.  If there is no code, the Ozobot will randomly select a path.
  • Code stickers make adding color codes easier, you can buy or print your own - link to Google folder
  • For transferring code from computer or Chromebook - be sure brightness is up all the way & 1st. reset Ozobot as directed.

Different options for assessing the students:

  • Observations
  • Check for understanding
  • Create simple rubrics for the Ozobot lessons. 

MITECS: Michigan adopted the "ISTE Standards for Students" called MITECS (Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students) in 2018.

Computational Thinker
5a. Students formulate problem definitions suited for technology-assisted methods such as data analysis, abstract models and algorithmic thinking in exploring and finding solutions.
5c. Students break problems into component parts, extract key information, and develop descriptive models to understand complex systems or facilitate problem-solving.
5d. Students understand how automation works and use algorithmic thinking to develop a sequence of steps to create and test automated solutions.

Device: Chromebook, iPad 

App, Extension, or Add-on:
iPad app


Google Folder with ideas and sticker templates


Ozobots FAQ

Ozobots Lesson Plans


The students will need to write out their coding directions. 

The students will create drawing games for the Ozobots. 

The students are learning basic coding. 

The students are learning basic engineering skills.

The students can do research about a topic and the robots will have to follow a path that teaches about the topic. 

This task card was created by Andy Mann, REMC Director, Muskegon Area ISD and Melissa White, 21Things Project Manager. Updated October 2023.