Baseball Statistics Using Google Sheets
Students will learn how to use some basic functions of Google Sheets by using information from Major League Baseball’s official site, mlb.com. Any web browser may be used to access this information.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
understand and be able to find and use percentages to organize data.
be able to input, order, and calculate cells in Google Sheets.
Vocabulary Words:
Cells: Cells are the boxes in Google Sheets in which you put numbers and words.
Percentages: Percentages are a part of 100 percent and are used to find averages.
Data: Data is information (statistics and facts) used to tell and describe something. The information is often in the form of numbers.
Formula: A formula is a group of symbols and numbers in math that is used to work something out. It always starts with an equals sign =
To prepare for this lesson:
Verify that students can access their Google accounts, specifically Sheets.
Make sure that http://mlb.com is not restricted for your students.
Watch the video Organizing Data in Google Sheets for background information on using Sheets.
This lesson can be modified to use any website with statistics.
See Accommodations Page and Charts on the 21things4student website in the Teacher Resources.
Directions for this activity:
Choose your ten favorite hitters
Put the names of the players in the cells in the A column.
Find these statistics for hitters' hits and at-bats. Enter hits in the B column and at-bats in the C column for each of your players.
To find the average In the D column students will write =( and then the cell name for the dividend, a slash /, and then the cell name for the divisor. It would look like =B2/D2. After students have entered that, they will press enter and it should give you a long decimal. Students can shorten the number if you want to teach them that skill.
WARNING: Do not have students auto-fill the column. Students are practicing the skill.
Highlight by clicking and dragging all of the data entered. Then click on Format, then Sort Range, and then Advanced Range Sort Options. Click on sort by B column and z-a. Then it should have all the averages sorted from best to worst.
An example of a completed Sheets is available at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z7V10sTvUAchFNL3XeF950T-LpbOsTGG87SX9hWKc6g/edit?usp=sharing
Assessment Options
Different options for assessing the students:
- Observations
- Check for understanding
- If you click on a cell with an average, it should say a number like .359 Teachers can check if the formula is correct by holding down CTRL and tapping on the + to show formulas used in the cells.
MITECS Competencies & ISTE Standards
MITECS: Michigan adopted the "ISTE Standards for Students" called MITECS (Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students) in 2018.
Empowered Learner
1c. Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
1d. Students understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies.
Knowledge Constructor
3a. Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.
3c. Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.
Computational Thinker
5b. Students collect data or identify relevant data sets, use digital tools to analyze them, and represent data in various ways to facilitate problem-solving and decision-making.
Devices and Resources
Device: PC, Chromebook, Mac, iPad
Browser: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge, ALL
App, Extension, or Add-on:
This lesson would be used as part of a unit about using data, information, and statistics so that students have an opportunity to practice using real-life data as they are introduced to averages.
This task card was created by Andrew Tomashewsky, Carrolton Public Schools, February 2024.