Becoming a Confident Online Explorer

Interland is an online game created by Google, that provides learning about digital citizenship through gaming. Internauts are characters in the game. Students practice the skills that they need to be confident online explorers.
Interland is part of Google's Be Internet Awesome curriculum. It will take multiple class sessions to complete.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
- Be able to a better digital citizen.
- Understand cyber bullying.
To prepare for this lesson:
This is a part of Google’s BE INTERNET AWESOME LESSONS:
Interland consists of the following games:
- Reality River: Don’t fall for Fake
- Mindful Mountain: Share with Care
- Tower of Treasure: Secure your Secrets
- Kind Kingdom: It’s Cool to be Kind
In these specific lessons, students learn to
- Think Before You Share (Be Internet Sharp)
- Check it’s For Real (Be Internet Alert)
- Protect Your Stuff (Be Internet Secure)
- Respect Each Other (Be Internet Kind)
There are lessons for each of these if you choose to do an in-class lesson. There are age-appropriate lessons for each that tie into the games. Games are leveled by grades 2-3 and 4-5, respectively.
The games could also be played without the lessons by blending them into your station rotation.
Google has a website that has professional development training on digital citizenship.
Decide how you are teaching this. Whole group 1-1 device, small groups, stations?
Decide what lesson/lessons you want to teach.
Do you want to teach specific lessons or add games to a blended model?
Decide if you want a check for understanding. Worksheets that tie into lessons can be found at https://www.internetmatters.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/be-internet-legends.pdf
See Accommodations Page and Charts on the 21things4students website in the Teacher Resources.
Directions for this activity:
Choose one of the four lesson plans.
Set up Interland on the devices for students.
Demonstrate the game to students.
Have the students go through Interland's four games.
Have the students complete the lesson they are on.
Assessment Options
Different options for assessing the students:
- Observations
- Check for understanding
- Worksheets can be used to assess student progress.
MITECS Competencies & ISTE Standards
MITECS: Michigan adopted the "ISTE Standards for Students" called MITECS (Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students) in 2018.
Digital Citizen
2a. Students cultivate and manage their digital identity and reputation and are aware of the permanence of their actions in the digital world.
2b. Students engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices.
2c. Students demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.
2d. Students manage their personal data to maintain digital privacy and security and are aware of data-collection technology used to track their navigation online.
Devices and Resources
Device: PC, Chromebook, Mac, iPad
Browser: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge, ALL
App, Extension, or Add-on:
After completing the games, students can write about their experience and how they can be a better digital citizen.
This task card was created by Courtney Conley, Utica Public Schools, January 2020. Updated Jan 2025.