Care For Your Device

It is very important early on that students learn how to care for their device whether it be their mobile device, their laptop, or a desktop. Care can include many things from student hygiene to how the device is carried. This activity card will cover the bases for all ages to learn how to properly care for their device.
Learning Objectives
Under the guidance of their teacher, students will:
- Be responsible users of technology devices.
- Understand how to clean their device properly.
- Be able to follow safety procedures for the use of digital equipment.
- hygiene: Hygiene is keeping oneself clean.
- Infographic: An infographic is an online poster.
- Here are videos to review for use with your students. They are for the different devices that might be used in your school.
- Take Care of Your Computer (3.10 minutes)
- Taking Care of Your Chromebook (2.07)
- iPad Care For Grades K-3 (2.54)
- View the posters technology lab rules for elementary classrooms in Pinterest.
- Read the article Take Good Care of Your Laptop Computer.
- Here are some good rules to share with your students:
- No food or drink
- Carry the device shut
- Keep it on the desk
- Keep your workstation are neat
- Log out
- Have an anti-virus installed
- Have clean hands
- Make sure there is nothing inside the device before you shut the cover.
- Pull the plug correctly and don't roll over it with your chair
- Don't expose your device to extreme hot or cold temps
- Don't place heavy things on the device
- Listen and follow directions
- Ask before printing
- Don't change the settings
- Decide how you want your students to show how they have learned the rules.
- Have the students create a poster with rules for the care of a device.
- Have a contest and have the students vote on the top three to post in the computer lab.
- See Accommodations Page and Charts on the 21things4students.net site in the Teacher Resources.
- The teacher will go over with the students the rules for caring for a device.
- The teacher will show one or more of the videos to the students.
- The teacher will have a discussion with the students about caring for a device.
- The teacher will have the students either create a poster of rules with paper and marker or digitally with tools like Canva and Easel.ly.
- The teacher may decide to have a contest to decide which posters should be posted in the classroom or computer lab.
Assessment Options
- Observations
- Check for understanding
- Have the students create a poster of the rules for the care of a device to determine how much they retained after the lesson.
- Use a simple rubric that shows they have remembered:
- five or more rules
- spelled the rules correctly
- the poster is easy to read
- the poster is aesthetically pleasing
MITECS: Michigan adopted the "ISTE Standards for Students" called MITECS (Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students) in 2018.
Empowered Learner
1d. Students understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies.
Devices and Resources
Device: PC, Chromebook, Mac, iPad
Browser: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge, ALL
How To Take Good Care of Your Laptop/Computer
iPad Care For Grades K-3 (2.54)
Pinterest Ideas for Classroom Rules
Take Care of your Computer (3.10 minutes)
Taking Care of Your Chromebook (2.07)
Taking Care of Your Laptop (1.44)
Integrated Arts
The students learn how to create an asethetically pleasing poster in art class.
This task card was created by Melissa White, 21 Things Project Manager, REMC Association of Michigan, February 2018. Updated October 2022.