Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I register for an event?
A: Select "Register" from an event listed on our Professional Learning page or go to Wisdomwhere, our registration system, and select Events. You need to create an account on the system before you can register. Follow these steps to do so:
- Go to https://www.solutionwhere.com/WW/remcam/Default.aspx
- Select ‘Create Account’ from the upper right of the screen.
- Complete the required demographic information.
- You can then register for events.
Q: How do I get my Canvas Account to use for the a course?
A: Getting an account is dependent on your place of employment.
- If you work for MOST Public Michigan K-12 districts, you will login with your school credentials using the DataHub. This is done at: https://edupaths.instructure.com/ <-- DataHub Schools ONLY
- For everyone else, a personal account must be requested by filling out the form at: https://www.edupaths.org/account-request <--Everyone Else
Q: When will I receive my SCECHs for the course, workshop or webinar I completed?
A: SCECHs are processed during the month after the event is offered; for example, for an event offered in January the SCECHs will be processed in February.
Q: I am renewing my certificate in June. Can I get my SCECHs processed early?
A: As our courses are open for 3 weeks, they are completed prior to the end of June. Our SCECH Coordinator is aware many educators need to update their certificates, so will be processing them after events are complete AND instructors have submitted attendance verification. Educators who are late filling out the end-of-course forms will not get their SCECHs processed prior to the end of June.
For more information about our SCECH awarding process click here.