AI Digital Media - Presentations

AI tools can significantly reduce the time needed to create engaging and visually appealing presentations, incorporating multimedia elements, animations, and interactive quizzes that capture students' attention while allowing educators to focus more on teaching and interacting with students. AI generated presentations can be used to create interactive lessons within the traditional setting or in a flipped classroom. AI is also an excellent tool to help create multiple versions of presentations tailored to different learners, ensuring that all students have access to content that matches their abilities.

*Educators must be mindful of copyright laws, privacy and security concerns, the potential for AI to perpetuate biases or make mistakes, and the importance of teaching students to use these tools responsibly.

WHY Important 

Generating AI presentations empowers educators to create visually engaging, personalized, and effective learning experiences that cater to the diverse needs and preferences of today's students. 

WHAT Will Be Learned 

The focus will be on:

  • Tool selection 
  • Curriculum integration to create content
  • Customization for diverse learning styles  
  • Pedagogical strategies 

Examples of tools that may be useful for this task:

Reflective Practices


Guiding Reflection Questions

Suggested Action Steps

Create Slides for Google or Powerpoint with an AI Chatbot, AI for Education [Prompt Library] 

Kickstart your AI prompting with these examples.

Create a Google Slides in Less Than 1 Minute with AI, Flipped Classroom Tutorials, May 2023 (Video 3:44)

Demonstrates how to create Google Slides with AI program Magic Slides [add-on app]. 

Create Astonishing Presentations… Develop PowerPoints Using ChatGPT, Guru Tech Solutions, August 2023 (Video 8:35)

Shares how to utilize ChatGPT to create PowerPoint presentations. 

15 Interactive Presentation Ideas to Elevate Engagement, Venngage, August 2023 

Ideas for adding interactive elements to your presentations. 

How can you use AI generated presentations for teaching purposes in your grade-level or subject area?

What interactive elements can you add to your presentations to engage students? Think about full-class and independent learning presentations. 

When might you allow students to create AI generated presentations (possibly adding interactive elements and sharing with peers)?

Ethical Use 

Have you made every effort to ensure ethical use of copyright materials in your presentations? 

Have you reviewed presentation content to ensure accuracy of content and images (for bias and diversity)? 

Have you discussed text and image copyright with your students? 

Identify a tool that you have access to that can be used by you and students to generate presentations.

Consider the instructional value of AI generated presentations and how they enhance teaching and learning.  

Generate a few presentations. Consider adding interactive elements (e.g. polling, quiz questions) to personalize the learning. Think about how you could differentiate the presentation for various learners. 

Consider the instructional value of AI generated presentations and how they enhance teaching and learning.

Contemplate how students might utilize AI generated presentations to demonstrate learning.   

Add AI generated presentations to your instructional toolbox and try some lessons with your students.