Judy Bowling named REMC 20 Director

The REMC Association is pleased to introduce Judy Bowling as the new Director for REMC 20. Judy is the Instructional Technology and Library Consultant at Wayne RESA. Prior to this role, Judy was a classroom teacher, technology specialist, library media specialist, consultant and most recently the Media and Technology Coordinator for Livonia Public Schools.
As the REMC Director, Judy is looking forward to playing a larger role in the organization and collaborating with others in the network to support educators and their students. Judy has been involved with REMC as a project lead for Promoting STEM Through Literature.
Judy earned her Bachelors and Master's degree from Eastern Michigan University in Elementary Education as well as Educational Technology. She also holds a Master’s degree from Wayne State University in Library of Information Science and attended the Galileo Leadership Academy at Oakland University. Judy spends her free time with family and friends doing anything she can in the great outdoors.
We are happy to welcome Judy and look forward to having her on board!