REMC offers a look ahead at course offerings to help you plan your professional learning

If you are looking to enhance your technology integration skills, explore new instructional delivery methods or learn tips and tricks from Michigan educational practitioners - The REMC Association has something for you! To help with your professional learning planning, we are excited to share our January through June 2023 REMC Course schedule.
Take a look at all course offerings and register today! Earn 10 FREE SCECHs upon completion. Simply visit
Course Name Month(s) Offered
Applying Google Apps in Chrome February
Assessment Tools for the Classroom May
Blended Learning Environments with Google Workspace February
Coding in the Classroom June
Constructing Your Blended Learning Classroom February
Creating a Digital Makerspace for your Classroom April
Creating Digital Breakouts for the Classroom February
Design Thinking Made Practical June
Designing Learning Opportunities with Google Tools May
Digital Citizenship - Practical Implementation March
Digital Tools For Classroom Collaboration June
Empower Student Agency While Building Global Professional Skills May
Empowering Students Through Personalized Learning May
Energize student writing through Author Craft June
Engaging Students in a Personalized Classroom April
Enhancing Instruction for All Learners April
Exploring Formative Assessment Tools April
Game-based Learning to Build Student Understanding & Engagement April
Gamification for Student Engagement & Learning March and June
Helping Struggling Readers June
Igniting Student Curiosity with Inquiry and Technology March
Increasing Efficiency and Productivity March and June
Integrating Technology into the Middle School Classroom May
Integrating Technology Into Your K5 Classroom March
Integrating Technology with the Foundational Elements of Literacy Instruction March
Leading a Culture of Change in Your School June
Making the Most of Your Google Classroom April
Media Literacy: Fake or Real? March and May
My Classroom in a Digital Age February
OER to Support Michigan’s Literacy Essentials May
OER: The What, Why, and How of Open Educational Resources February
Open Education Resources (OER) for School Leaders March
PBL for Growing Student Voice May
Power Up: Curriculum & Content Development March
Power Up: Digital Leaders April
Power Up: Effective Communication February
Power Up: Learning Environment May
Power Up: Meaningful Data June
Preparing Professional Presentations April
Remixing and Revising Open Educational Resources from #GoOpenMichigan June
Searching Safely and Strategically February
Social Media: Strategies for Designing Learning Experiences February
Storytelling to Enhance Teaching February
Student Engagement through OER Creation April
Teaching with Google Workspace March
Using SeeSaw to Inspire Learning May
Using Virtual Reality in Education April
You will receive a welcome email from the course instructor the Friday before the course start date before the course start date. If you have questions or need further assistance with your course registration, please click here.