1st Grade
Under each category is a link to the task card and its description of the activity. Cards may be in multiple categories to assist you in locating an activity to use with your students.

These task cards focus on math activities.
Adding Three Numbers With SeeSaw
In this activity, students will solve a math problem with three integers and explain their thinking using SeeSaw.
Base 10 Subtraction and SeeSaw
In this activity, students will solve a subtraction problem with Base 10 blocks and post their work to SeeSaw.
Car Racing Addition
This Turtle Diary game helps students practice addition through solving addition problems through a car racing game. This game is a great option for independent center practice, whole group instruction, or small group instruction.
Coin Bubble: A Game’s Worth of Practice
In this online game, Coin Bubble by Greg Tang Math, students make a given monetary figure using a ten frame of coins. Students work with higher value denominations as the game progresses. In addition, students can use exchanges to get to their figure faster.
Composing and Decomposing Numbers
The Starfall Compose & Decompose numbers game is a great option for practicing adding, place value for ones and tens, and number identification in a steady, consistent format.
Greater Than, Less Than, Equal To
The Starfall greater than, less than, equal to game is a great option for number comparison, counting, and number identification in a steady, consistent format. This game is a great option for independent center practice, whole group instruction, or small group instruction.
I Know it Math
I Know It is an engaging, interactive math website for elementary students. Teachers create their own classroom and assign questions to either individual students or the whole class. Teachers can also provide hints to the questions if they want. The student is also provided with feedback if they get a question incorrect.
It's About Time To Use Doodle Buddy
Teaching young students how to tell time? Why not practice with Doodle Buddy?
In a Pickle With Math
Math Pickle is a resource filled with math puzzles and games to engage students in problem-solving. Puzzles are organized by grade level and subject.
Learning About and Making Tangrams
Students will be able to learn about tangrams and basic shapes through a read-aloud of Grandfather Tang’s Story, which describes various animals being made with Tangrams, understand how they make shapes by reading the book Tricky Tangrams, and then try making tangrams themselves using a game on digipuzzle.net.
Making 10 With Ten Frames
Students will create and use a ten frames tool to help to understand counting, place value, number relationships, adding, and subtracting.
Number Pieces and SeeSaw
In this activity, students will show their understanding of making numbers using base 10 blocks.
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Math Playground provides grade-level appropriate activities for math operations and algebraic thinking with a variety of activities to engage students and strengthen their skills. It can be used in grades one-six.
Paint it! Shape Recognition
Students love to paint and draw. Using Paint Online, students can practice their shapes. Teachers can assign certain shapes and the students will create pictures with those shapes in them.
Skip Counting
Students will learn how to skip count by watching videos, using number charts, and playing educational computer games.
Ten Frame Mania: A Games Worth of Practice
In this online game, Ten Frame Mania by Greg Tang, students make a given number in a digital ten frame to win the game for numbers up to 20. Thinking about numbers using frames of 10 can be a helpful way to learn basic number facts.
Visnos Virtual Math Manipulatives
Visnos is an interactive math website that provides many different math tools to allow teachers to show math visually and allow students to explore with the tools.
Wiggle Wiggle Worm
Willie Worm is an enjoyable and challenging visual-spatial problem, which encourages persistence in problem-solving, as well as providing students with a purposeful reason for practicing counting and writing numbers from 1-25.
Zearning With Math
Zearn is a math website that is directly connected to the Common Core Standards.
Reading, Writing and Research
These task cards focus on letter and word recognition, reading activities and writing improvement and research projects.
ABCYA Sight Word Bingo
Sight Word Bingo is a great option for practicing sight words in a steady, consistent format. This game is a great independent center practice, whole group, or small group option. At the end of each game, the students are provided with a percentage score correct. This can also be used as a data tracking tool if scores and answers are monitored and collected. This game also provides built-in differentiation through sight word levels pre-primer to third grade.
CVVC Thin Slides With Nearpod
Students will work to collaboratively build a “slideshow” of CVVC words in Nearpod.
Developing Word Processing Skills
Students need to learn how to create spaces between their words, type capital and lower case letters, delete text, save and print a document.
First Grade Reading Fluency and SeeSaw
In this activity, students will read a piece that is uploaded to SeeSaw by the teacher.
Guess Who
Students will use Google Slides to play a Guess Who game. The teacher will share one Google Slide presentation to all students. Each student will create one slide, and type two sentences describing themselves on that slide.
In My Opinion
The students will use the learning platform, SeeSaw, to review background information on Opinion Writing, and create an opinion writing piece. This activity should take place after initial learning about Opinion Writing has taken place. The opinion piece will have an introduction, supporting sentences, and a conclusion, complete with an illustration. The students will then share their writing using the record tool on SeeSaw.
Jan Brett Author Study: The Mitten Re-Telling
Jan Brett is a popular children's author. In this lesson, the students will learn more about Jan Brett's books and read one (The Mitten) or more. The students will create the puppets found on Jan Brett's website and re-tell The Mitten.
Learning About Pronouns
Students will be able to learn about pronouns by watching a Schoolhouse Rock video, Schoolhouse Rock Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla, with its catchy tune, then see instructional videos on the definition of pronouns and how they are used in sentences. Finally, students will be able to check their knowledge of pronouns through games and online quizzes and apply their knowledge in their own writing.
Literacy With Lalilo
Lalilo is a free online adaptive literacy tool for kindergarten, first and second-grade teachers and students. Students work on phonics, word recognition, and comprehension while collecting badges and unlocking stories. Student Data is collected for teachers.
March Madness Sweet 16 Tournament of Books
March is not only Reading Month, but it is also time for March Madness NCAA College Basketball Tournament. The students will review the top 16 books that have circulated throughout your library during the school year, and the students choose the book of the year. You will use the same format as the Sweet 16 NCAA Tournament.
Partners in Rhyme
This Turtle Diary game helps students practice listening for rhyming words, visually shows the word for matching endings and also provides a visual for early readers. This game is a great option for independent center practice, whole group instruction, or small group instruction.
Read Books With Vooks
Vooks is a streaming service that brings children's storybooks to life with animated illustrations and narrated story. Vooks provides kid-friendly, ad-free screen time, with zero risk of young ones stumbling onto inappropriate content. YOUR FIRST YEAR IS FREE.
Reading Make it Epic!
Need an engaging reading assignment for students? Use Epic to guide students to learn what a biography is, and have them find information about a specific person.
Sequencing Stories
Sequencing events in a text is a key comprehension tool, especially for narrative texts. Students will learn the ability to retell the events within a given text in the order that they occurred.
Sight Words Book
Students will practice their sight words for reading fluency and then create their own book of sight words.
Understanding Nouns at the Primary Level
Students will be able to learn about nouns by watching a Schoolhouse Rock video, A Noun is a Person, Place or Thing, with its catchy tune, then see instructional videos on the definition of nouns and how they are used in sentences. Finally, students will be able to check their knowledge of nouns through games and online quizzes and apply their knowledge in their own writing.
What is an Adjective?
Students will be able to learn about adjectives by watching a Schoolhouse Rock video, Unpack Your Adjectives, with its catchy tune, then see instructional videos on the definition of adjectives and how they are used. Finally, students will be able to check their knowledge of adjectives through games and online quizzes and apply their knowledge in their own writing.
What is a Verb?
Students will be able to learn about verbs by watching a Schoolhouse Rock video, Verb, with its catchy tune, then see an instructional video on the definition of verbs and how they are used in sentences. Finally, students will be able to check their knowledge of verbs through games and online quizzes and apply their knowledge in their own writing.
Word Processing Skills
In first grade, students will start learning basic keyboarding and word processing skills. Students should be able to take their weekly spelling words and create two-three sentences as well as add provided images.
Wordwall - Sightwords
Wordwall is a free resource for teachers to create interactive and printable activities. These can be played on any web-enabled device. Students can play individually or with each other. In this activity, students will be doing interactive sight word activities.
Writing How To's For an Audience
In this activity, students will create a “How To” piece of writing and read it to their audience on SeeSaw.
These task cards focus on science topics in the classroom.
Make Me Genius
Make Me Genius is a website that provides short videos on science topics.
Social Studies & Geography
These task cards focus on social science topics, geography, mapping and historical events.
Make Your Ideas Pop!
Popplet is a web-based and app-based tool that allows students to mind map their ideas with user-friendly functions. Students can create brainstorming webs easily and collaboratively. Students learn about United States symbols.
Student/Child's Life Past and Present
Students will view items, videos, and photographs from the past and compare them to their lives now. Then, they will create an informational book to share what they learned using ABCYA Storymaker.
Talking Heads
Students will use the ios app Chatterpix to make a person they are learning about in social studies “speak.” Students will upload a picture of a famous person and record a voiceover.
Basic Skills
These task cards cover the basic skills a first grader should know from mousing to keyboarding to learning how to treat technology devices.
100's Day the Techie Way
Celebrate 100’s day with a bit of technology. These free online tools allow students extra enrichment when celebrating the 100th day of
Basic Mouse Skills
It is important that they learn how to use a mouse as many of the educational games they play will require mousing skills.
Beginning Keyboarding
The goal of this activity is to provide resources for helping students build appropriate keyboarding skills and position through practice, modeling, and goal setting and monitoring processes.
Beginning Keyboard Recognition
Students will need to be introduced first to lowercase, the space bar, enter/return. Most importantly they learn letter and number location first.
Care For Your Device
It is very important early on that students learn how to care for their device whether it be their mobile device, their laptop, or a desktop.
Dance Mat Typing
Dance Mat Typing teaches kids to touch-type using the home-row method. This is a free online game that is a great introduction to keyboarding with high engagement.
Earth Day Fun With Michael Recycle
Students have some Earth Day fun with Michael Recycle learning about recycling and sorting while reviewing important Internet browser components and keyboard keys.
Intermediate Mouse Skills
Once students have mastered the single left click, they are ready to learn what happens when they double click the mouse. They will learn the difference between the left and right click buttons on the mouse. They will also become proficient at dragging and dropping objects.
Introduction to a Computer
Students will learn about input and output devices.
Paint a Pattern
Students will use Paint, a Microsoft Windows Desktop app, to practice mouse skills, paint shapes, fill shapes using paint bucket as well as identify and create a pattern.
Student Made Laptops
As students are becoming more exposed to computers/laptops and beginning to learn proper finger placement on the keys a cardboard replica is a great way to reinforce this information when students are away from the real item.
Classroom Tools
These task cards cover apps and programs that can be used across multiple age levels and curriculums. They are primarily how-to task cards on how to use the application in the classroom.
Classroomscreen Tools for the Teacher
Teachers are able to use this Classroom Screen in their classroom in a variety of ways. There are 21 widgets to support class activities and help students get to work.
Communicate With Bloomz
Bloomz is a communication platform that helps students succeed in the classroom and at home. It is a great tool to use to stay connected in the school community and send real-time messages to a class or person. Parents and students can view a calendar, view behavior, sign up for conferences or volunteer work, and view photos from both the website or an app. Students will enjoy seeing the petals bloom as they watch behavior points blossom into a flower.
Communicating With Parents Using Klassroom
Klassroom is an app that teachers and parents can download to their phones to easily communicate and engage with each other. Teachers can post assignments, add events, schedule conferences, and upload pictures. This is very similar to Facebook.
Connect With Class Dojo
ClassDojo connects teachers with students and parents to build amazing classroom communities by creating a positive culture. Teachers can encourage students for any skill or value — whether it is working hard, being kind, helping others, or something else.
Create Custom Activities With Wordwall
Wordwall is a free resource for teachers to create interactive and printable activities. These can be played on any web-enabled device. Students can play individually or with each other.
Digital Learning for Kids
e-Learning for Kids is an educational website for kids grades K-5. Lessons are organized by grade level as well as skill topics. Students can easily sort the lessons and then select the lesson they want to work on. They are guided through the lesson with a cartoon video-audio and prompts.
Fun 4 the Brain
Fun4thebrain is a website for students PreK-5 that has many different activities in all content areas for students.
Get Epic!
Epic! is a free online library for educators. Students are able to select from a vast selection of books, audiobooks and videos.
Hooray! Go Formative!
Go Formative! is a web-based tool that allows teachers to formatively assess students on the fly, or at the beginning and end of a lesson. Teachers create the assessment, and students complete the assessment online.
Make Your Ideas Pop!
Popplet is a web-based and app-based tool that allows students to mind map their ideas with user-friendly functions. Students can create brainstorming webs easily and collaboratively. Students learn about United States symbols.
Mystery Doug
Mystery Doug is a FREE weekly video series where students ask questions. The videos are short, approximately five minutes long.
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Math Playground provides grade-level appropriate activities for math operations and algebraic thinking with a variety of activities to engage students and strengthen their skills. It can be used in grades one-six.
Presenting With Buncee
Buncee is a presentation tool that allows students to create content that is unique to them and their learning experiences. Buncee offers free public domain images, the ability to embed videos, and upload content, as well as interactive materials, colorful backgrounds, and fun templates. Note: A free Buncee account allows up to five Buncees.
Remind - A Communication Tool
Remind is a communication platform that helps students succeed in the classroom and at home. It’s a great tool to use to stay connected in the school community and send real-time messages to a class or person.
Smarty Games
Smarty Games is a fun interactive website that helps to develop creativity, visualization, problem-solving skills, math skills and the curiosity for knowledge. It is very easy to understand. It can help students be more successful with their elementary school curriculum. It is kid-friendly, safe and FREE!
Sumo Paint
Sumo Paint is a free online paint program and image editor similar to Photoshop. Flash is required for this site and ads are present.
Symbaloo For Educators
SymbalooEDU is a bookmarking website that helps teachers and students organize their favorite websites. This is a resource management tool that can be used to organize lesson plans, add links, web pages, or any other content that would be helpful for your students. You can organize the tiles by subject, grade, or however you want.
Text to Speech
There are FREE amazing tools that will read the text to you. These tools help students to listen to what they have written, listen to another person's work, and some will even allow you to transfer the audio to an mp3 player.
Coding and Computational Skills
Students will learn more about coding and maker resources. There are activities to better understand computational thinking and how it can be applied when working on projects.
Adding Three Numbers With SeeSaw
In this activity, students will solve a math problem with three integers and explain their thinking using SeeSaw.
Base 10 Subtraction and SeeSaw
In this activity, students will solve a subtraction problem with Base 10 blocks and post their work to SeeSaw. The Number Pieces App allows students to manipulate base 10 blocks electronically to show their understanding of counting concepts.
Code and Go Robot Mouse
The students will learn coding skills with Colby, the programmable robot mouse. The students build a maze with the 16 maze grids, a 20" x 20" maze board, 22 maze wall and three tunnels that are provided in the kit.
Coding With Code Monkey Jr.
Code Monkey is an engaging coding program for students starting at preschool. Students will help an adorable monkey get his bananas back from a greedy gorilla who stole them. As students progress, they will meet other characters like trusty turtle, who will help them with challenging problems. Each answer students submit will be graded automatically giving students instant feedback.
Coding With Pixel the Puppy
Coding is a skill that all students need for 21st-century careers. Students will play Tynker's Puppy's Adventure. Students will learn sequencing and loops.
Composing and Decomposing Numbers
The Starfall Compose & Decompose numbers game is a great option for practicing adding, place value for ones and tens, and number identification in a steady, consistent format.
Gamify Robots
Learn how to use your Robots (e.g., Code and Go Mice, Dash, and Spheros) by gaming. Gaming creates a high-interest, team-building, and problem-solving approach to using the robots, and the games are easily adapted to most robots and many levels.
In a Pickle With Math
Math Pickle is a resource filled with math puzzles and games to engage students in problem-solving. Puzzles are organized by grade level and subject.
Lightbot Coding
Coding or programming is the way that we as programmers, can tell a computer what to do using instructions that the computer will understand. The instruction for coding can be either in words or icons. Lightbot is a programming puzzle game.
Number Pieces and SeeSaw
In this activity, students will show their understanding of making numbers using base 10 blocks. The Number Pieces App allows students to manipulate base 10 blocks electronically to show their understanding of counting concepts.
Ozo Pathways
Did you know that kids can program Ozobots with markers? Guide them through this fun discovery while reviewing geometric shapes!
Squishy Circuits
Squishy Circuits are fun for all ages! Students can use conductive dough and insulating dough to teach the basics of electrical circuits in a fun, hands-on way.
Collaboration and Communication
These task cards are activities to assist the student to creatively communicate and present in different ways.
Communicate With Bloomz
Bloomz is a communication platform that helps students succeed in the classroom and at home. It is a great tool to use to stay connected in the school community and send real-time messages to a class or person. Parents and students can view a calendar, view behavior, sign up for conferences or volunteer work, and view photos from both the website or an app. Students will enjoy seeing the petals bloom as they watch behavior points blossom into a flower.
Communicating With Parents Using Klassroom
Klassroom is an app that teachers and parents can download to their phones to easily communicate and engage with each other. Teachers can post assignments, add events, schedule conferences, and upload pictures. This is very similar to Facebook.
Community Garden
In first grade, students begin learning about basic nutrition and how to grow plants in a cup or small planter. In this lesson, the students will take it a step further and students learn how to create a community garden and share the food. The students will use brainstorming apps to plan the garden and create a poster to advertise the garden.
Connect With Class Dojo
ClassDojo connects teachers with students and parents to build amazing classroom communities by creating a positive culture. Teachers can encourage students for any skill or value — whether it is working hard, being kind, helping others, or something else.
Create Your Own Sound Recording
Thomas Edison is a famous inventor. His work with the telegraph and the telephone led him to invent the phonograph, which recorded sound as indentations on a sheet of paraffin-coated paper. Students will learn how to create their own recordings at the Online Voice Recorder.
Emotional ABCs
Emotional ABCs is America’s most awarded skills program. This program is currently FREE for classroom teachers and school counselors.
Design Thinking
Design Thinking is a process that teachers use to take a structured approach to generate and develop ideas. The task cards in this area help teach the design process.
Designing Solutions
In this activity, students will take a common problem and use the design process to come up with a solution.
Engineers, Don't Flood the Fidgets
Students will design a city for the Fidgits to protect them against flooding. Students have a budget to purchase materials with and select from a variety of housing options and community features.
Tinkering Station
There is nothing more fun than tinkering and taking apart old and broken equipment and toys and creating something from them. Give a student an old phone or toy and have them take it apart.
Digital Arts
These task cards teach students about art, photography, videography, music, etc.
Autodraw is an Artificial Intelligence program from Google Labs
Students will love the ability to doodle and then pick the shape the program thought they were drawing.
Bringing Art to Life
Disney’s Color and Play App allows students to color their favorite Disney characters and animate them or make them 3D and have them pop off their page.
Draw it Up
Just like in real life, we can also create our own digital pictures and artwork for a variety of purposes. Using Abcya!Paint, and NickJr. Free Draw, students will become digital artists as they create artifacts, using web-based painting tools.
Make a Robot
Students design and create a robot by selecting, manipulating, and assembling various parts using the activity on ABCYA.
My Singing Puppet Show
Lower elementary students love to play with puppets. Students will learn how to coordinate their puppet movements with their singing voices. By choosing their favorite nursery rhyme/song, small groups of students will practice with a proper singing voice and then add the puppet movements. The final step is for the group to “perform” their puppet show and have another student record the performance. Students could also add “sound effects” to the performance that they have recorded.
Paint a Pattern
Students will use Paint, a Microsoft Windows Desktop app, to practice mouse skills, paint shapes, fill shapes using paint bucket as well as identify and create a pattern.
Paint it! Shape Recognition
Students love to paint and draw. Using Paint Online, students can practice their shapes. Teachers can assign certain shapes and the students will create pictures with those shapes in them.
Sumo Paint
Sumo Paint is a free online paint program and image editor similar to Photoshop.
Digital Citizen and Internet Safety
These task cards have activities to teach students about how to be a good citizen, stay safe on the Internet and prevent bullying.
Being Responsible
It is very important that students learn early on to respect the device they are working on as well as be safe when they are using it.
Cyber Five Staying Safe on the Internet
First graders whether at home or school will be online using the Internet and need to know the basic rules of staying safe. ABYCA has a very good age-appropriate video to share with young students on five rules to stay safe.
News or Ads?
In the first grade, students will be visiting approved sites that most likely will still have advertisements. The students will learn how to distinguish between the advertisements and the actual content they are supposed to be using.
Selfie Stickers
Selfie Stickers is an online tool or app where students can modify their favorite photos. They will have fun using the stickers to make hilarious creations by adding them to their selfies.
MITECS & ISTE Standards
MITECS (Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students): Michigan adopted a state-wide version of the "ISTE Standards for Students" and named them MITECS (Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students) in 2018.
To learn more about MITECS, visit the State of Michigan's TechPlan.org website for definitions and support documents to assist you in the classroom.