Fifth grade

5th Grade

Locate the task cards for fifth grade by category.

Under each category is a link to the task card and its description of the activity. Cards may be in multiple categories to assist you in locating an activity to use with your students.

These task cards focus on math activities. 

Adding Fractions
The math learning center is an app and online platform that allows students to use manipulatives virtually. In this activity, students will use virtual manipulatives to add fractions.

baseballsBaseball Statistics With Google Sheets
Students will learn how to use some basic functions of Google Sheets by using information from Major League Baseball’s official site,  Any web browser may be used to access this information.

Classroom Bank Account
This is a virtual online bank for your classroom.  The teacher creates and manages a savings account for the students.  Each student can actually log in to their account and make withdrawals or deposits.  

Classroom Economy
Classroom Economy is a program that teachers can use for free to teach students financial responsibility. This is a classroom economic system where students “rent” their desks, learn the value of earning a paycheck, budget their spending, save money, spend money, make deposits, withdrawals, etc.  

1 fractionDigital Fraction Book
Students have fun creating, sharing and reading their own digital fractions math book created on StoryJumper.

pie chartEqual Fractions
The Fraction Equality Lab allows students to experiment with fractions by creating equivalent fractions. Different shapes are used as well as a number line. When the game is played students select a level and match equivalent fractions. The higher the level the more challenging it will be.

calculatorFinding the Area and Perimeter
Area Builder is an interactive website that allows students to build shapes to find the area and the perimeter. There are two-parts for students to use, the explore and the game. The first allows for exploration while building, the second is a game that has them figuring out the area and the perimeter. There are 6 levels.

I know it MathI Know it Math
I Know It is an engaging, interactive math website for elementary students. Teachers create their own classroom and assign questions to either individual students or the whole class. Teachers can also provide hints to the questions if they want. The student is also provided with feedback if they get a question incorrect.

math pickleIn a Pickle With Math
Math Pickle is a resource filled with math puzzles and games to engage students in problem-solving. Puzzles are organized by grade level and subject.

boy with capeLegends of Learning
Legends of Learning provides interactive math and the sciences games to students that give them superpowers. The teacher can select games that are connected to current lessons. It is aligned with the common core and NGSS. It is FREE for teachers and students in school. 

kids writing math on boardOperations and Algebraic Thinking
Math Playground provides grade-level appropriate activities for math operations and algebraic thinking with a variety of activities to engage students and strengthen their skills. It can be used in grades one-six. 

phet mathPhET - Math Fractions
PhET provides fun, free, interactive, research-based simulations for math and science. The simulations are written in HTML5, and can be used online or downloaded to your computer. This is free for all students and teachers. There are hundreds of lesson plans and materials using the simulations.

Study JamsStudy Jams
Scholastic has produced a FREE website full of educational videos and step-by-step slides for students to work on. Study Jams focuses on science and mathematical concepts that are prevalent in third, fourth, and fifth grade.

Survey Says
Students are presented with a scenario surrounding a relevant contemporary public issue on which they can take a stand. Students will work together to create a survey that will then be shared with various groups, in order to analyze the ways in which certain groups perceive a given issue. Once collected, the data will be discussed and analyzed. Finally, students will support their opinion using the data collected.

Google SheetUsing Google Sheets to Graph
Learn how to use some of the toolbars in Google Sheets. The students will learn about setting up data, clicking and dragging to use data in a graph with the insert chart tool, and learn how to edit parts of the graph for better understanding.

Visnos Virtual Math Manipulatives
Visnos is an interactive math website that provides many different math tools to allow teachers to show math visually and allow students to explore with the tools.

Would You Rather Math
Would You Rather Math is a website that contains fun math challenges that students can solve. A picture is presented with a math task and a question that begins with, Would you rather?”. 

Girl in front of ComputerZearning With Math
Zearn is a math website that is directly connected to the Common Core Standards.

These task cards focus on letter and word recognition, reading activities and writing improvement and research projects. 

Parts of Speech8 P*ARTS Eduprotocol
Students will master the parts of speech, practice writing, and revising using a visual cue for engagement.

biblionasiumBiblionasium Reading Log/Book Review
Biblionasium is a digital sharing platform, also known as the ¨Goodreads for Kids¨. It provides a safe social network where students can review, recommend, and rate books. Students can engage with their peers and others to support their reading. 

Kids at WorkClassroom Book
Boomwriter is an interactive group story writing website. Students will improve their creative story writing skills by collaborating with their classmates. They will read the first chapter and then finish the story.

The Daily News
Students can begin researching and interviewing others on topics for a weekly or monthly newsletter for the school. The students will learn techniques for interviewing as well as become better writers.

Emoji Writing

Students will have fun using the Pure Random Emoji Generator to practice their writing skills based on the main idea, supporting evidence, and conclusion being randomly generated emojis.

Evaluating Websites HyperDoc
Students will learn how to evaluate a website while using a HyperDoc in a group task. Hyperdocs are interactive digital documents that may easily be edited by a teacher. These multimedia-rich documents contain links for research, videos, images, etc. along with the steps for students to follow and record their work. 

evernote notesEvernote - Absent Students
Evernote is an app used for note-taking, organizing, task management, and archiving. Evernote allows users to create notes, which can be text, drawings, photographs, or saved web content.  Students can add to their notes outside of school. This is great because teachers can now send absent students the missed notes for the day. Teachers can simply take a picture of their notes from the board or PowerPoint and save it under today’s date. Then, teachers can share it out to students so they receive the notes right away. 

evernote dogEvernote - Writer's Notebook
Evernote is an app used for note-taking, organizing, task management, and archiving. Evernote allows users to create notes, which can be text, drawings, photographs, or saved web content. Students can add to their notes outside of school. 

Express Yourself
Students will do research on a topic, after which they will present their findings in a creative, visual manner. Utilizing information from a variety of resources, students will create an original infographic.

Feedback Please
Students seek and provide feedback from classmates using the Comments feature within Google Docs or Slides. Students will then revise their writing and/or presentation based on the feedback received. 

boy with glasses reading bookFinding the Main Idea
Sometimes finding the main idea of a story can be a challenge. Once the student understands the main idea, they begin to read for understanding. Room Recess provides an activity for students to be actively engaged in reading and finding the main idea.

Fifth Reading Reading Fluency and SeeSaw
In this activity, students will read a piece that is uploaded to SeeSaw by the teacher. The teacher may want to have students use the piece again in the year to measure growth.

copy and pasteLearning to Copy and Paste
Learning to copy and paste is an important skill to learn. Students will learn how to highlight text, copy it, and then paste it into a document. Students will have fun adding text to National Geographic's Funny Fill-ins and then will copy and paste the completed story into a word document. 

Letter to a Soldier
Students will review parts of a friendly letter to type a letter to a soldier.

sweet 16 tournamentMarch Madness Sweet 16 Tournament of Books
March is not only Reading Month, but it is also time for March Madness NCAA College Basketball Tournament. The students will review the top 16 books that have circulated throughout your library during the school year, and the students choose the book of the year. You will use the same format as the Sweet 16 NCAA Tournament.

three students with various mobile devices Media Literacy Digital Breakout
Students will complete a digital breakout with a Google site and Google Form to learn about the role that media literacy plays in their ability to understand, analyze, and critically evaluate media messages.

mentimeter word cloud
Mentimeter Character Word Cloud
Mentimeter is a free resource teachers can use to create fun and interactive presentations. Teachers will create a word cloud assignment where students will type in adjectives to describe a character from a story.

puzzlePractice Spelling With a Puzzle Creator
Puzzel is a free puzzle platform where teachers can create different types of puzzles for students such as crossword puzzles, word searches, memory games, and lots more! 

pronounsPronouns for the Intermediate Level
Students will be able to learn about pronouns by watching a Schoolhouse Rock video, Schoolhouse Rock Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla, with its catchy tune, then see instructional videos on the definition of pronouns and how they are used in sentences. Finally, students will be able to check their knowledge of pronouns through games and online quizzes and apply their knowledge in their own writing.

Publish a Collaborative Research Project With Google Slides
Students will use Google Slides to publish a research project. This project will include links to other slides and information from the internet. Students will also search and add images from the internet and video to support their topic. 

Quill writingQuill Writing
Quill provides 400 free grammar and writing activities for elementary, middle school, and high school. The students take a diagnostic test on the website and then can be assigned activities to help them improve their writing. 

Sifting Key Words
Wordsift is a free online tool where teachers and/or students copy text and put relevant vocabulary words into a word cloud.  Wordsift “sifts” through the text and looks at more important academic vocabulary and creates word clouds with the key vocabulary. 

Spectacular Spellers
VocabularySpellingCity is a spelling and vocabulary website and app that allows the teacher to input spelling lists for students to practice.  The site also has premade lists.

person on mountainUnderstanding Nouns at the Intermediate Level
Students will be able to learn about nouns by watching a Schoolhouse Rock video, A Noun is a Person, Place or Thing, with its catchy tune, then see instructional videos on the definition of nouns and how they are used in sentences. Finally, students will be able to check their knowledge of nouns through games and online quizzes and apply their knowledge in their own writing.

GOALVisualizing our Goals
We would like our students to read daily to promote good reading habits. In many classrooms students/parents are encouraged or required to keep track of the minutes they read each month. 

Students will use Canva to create a goal-tracking sheet for the minutes they’ve read each month.

wakeletWakelet School Newsletter
Wakelet is a free platform where teachers and students can save/post links, videos, images, and articles. You can easily share your page with others. Collaborators can add notes or comments to each item. Students will learn how to write a newspaper using Wakelet. 

Whooos ReadingWhooo's Reading
Whoooś Reading is a free website that supports students´ reading comprehension and writing development. Students will enter the book they read, take a quiz, answer questions, and write book reviews.  

These task cards focus on science topics in the classroom.

Build a Biome
Switch Zoo is a free interactive website that allows students to create their own animals, habitats and biomes. It provides games for students to get involved with their created animal and zoo. 

chartingData Nuggets
Data Nuggets have FREE classroom activities that bring research and authentic data into the classroom. Each “nugget” contains “messy data” at different levels.  The student follows the scientific process as they go through the nugget of research. The nugget includes information about the scientist. Students can also create their own nuggets.

farmingExploring in Minecraft - Farming
Students will create a world on Minecraft. They will learn how to farm and eat on Minecraft while learning how to use the game's tools.

squirrelExploring Scientific Concepts Related to Climate
In this activity, students will explore how climate affects the land, people, and animals around them as well as other regions across the globe. Students will use NASAClimateKids to participate in independent research, ask and answer questions, and record information. Students will relay their findings to the class using Voki by creating an animated video report on the topic.

plantsGreat Plant Escape
The Great Plant Escape has students find clues, do experiments, and solve problems as they journey into the world of plants.

WormHerman the Worm
Herman the Worm is an Illinois University Extension website that teaches about the life of worms through a guided study.

boy with capeLegends of Learning
Legends of Learning provides interactive math and the sciences games to students that give them superpowers. The teacher can select games that are connected to current lessons. It is aligned with the common core and NGSS. It is FREE for teachers and students in school. 

MicrobitsLight Up Learning With Microbits
Students will use knowledge of coding to create a closed circuit. Microbits will be required for this activity. 

paper circuitPaper Circuit Greeting Cards
Students will use knowledge of series circuits to create a closed circuit greeting card.

PhET SciencePhET Science Energy Forms
PhET provides fun, free, interactive, research-based simulations for math and science. The simulations are written in HTML5, and can be used online or downloaded to your computer. This is free for all students and teachers. There are hundreds of lesson plans and materials using the simulations.

solar systemSolar System Vocabulary Flash Cards
Science topics such as the Solar System require students
to be able to identify scientific terms by picture just as much as writing down the definition. Students will be creating Solar System Vocabulary Flashcards using Google Slides. Students will be using the Explore tool to search
for definitions and pictures.

Star GazerStargazing with Star Chart
Star Chart is an app for your iPad or Android device. Students can learn about constellations by aiming their phones at the night sky. There are additional features that allow students to interact with facts about planets and space discovery.

Study JamsStudy Jams
Scholastic has produced a FREE website full of educational videos and step-by-step slides for students to work on. Study Jams focuses on science and mathematical concepts that are prevalent in third, fourth, and fifth grade.

tornadoWakelet Collaboration Weather Project
Wakelet is a free platform where teachers and students can save/post links, videos, images, and articles. You can easily share your page with others.  Collaborators can also add notes or comments to each item. Students will learn about weather and collaborate together using Wakelet to share their research and findings. 

These task cards focus on social science topics, geography, mapping and historical events.

A History Remix Using Photos
An engaging way for students to learn about and make comparisons in history is to create remixes using photos and paintings from that time in history. Using the Library of Congress archives and Google images in the public domain, students can download the images and remix them using iPiccy to communicate about that time in history. 

StatueBattles of the American Revolution War
Any cause worth fighting for will usually come at a cost. In the fight to gain independence from England, many patriots lost their lives. In this comparison of some battles fought in the Revolutionary War, learn how the outcomes affected the quest for independence.

US FlagBen Franklin and the U.S. Government
Learn about Ben Franklin and how important he was to the development of the United States. Not only was he an important historical figure in the development of the United States Constitution, but he was also a great scientist and inventor.

Bill of Rights WebQuest
Send students on a WebQuest to learn about the key components outlined in the Bill of Rights, their importance, and what makes them necessary. Students will examine and summarize the ten amendments in the United States Bill of Rights, then identify and explain the ten they feel are the most important and why.

World War II MemorialCanva World War II Trading Cards
Students will use Canva ( to incorporate learning they have done about key people of World War II to create trading cards that include pictures, text, and other information about their key person. 

explorersFamous Explorer Logos in Canva
Students will finish their learning about explorers by using pictures, text, and other information to create a logo in Canva.

law and booksHow a Law is Made
Students will be able to learn about how a bill becomes a law by watching instructional videos and reading articles in MeL (Michigan eLibrary). Finally, students will be able to create an infographic on the process of how a bill becomes a law.

Interactive Maps
National Geographic has an interactive mapmaker website where you can use markers, lines, or shapes to tell your story on MapMaker. You can add in text, photos, and videos with their rich editing tool to customize the map.

Mind Mapping Basics
Mind Mapping is one of the best ways to capture your thoughts. It is great for note-taking, helping you become more creative and solve problems effectively.

law and booksPreamble of the Constitution
Students will be able to learn about the preamble of the Constitution of the United States by watching instructional videos and reading articles in MeL (Michigan eLibrary). Students will be able to create a rewrite of the preamble into today’s terminology.

13 coloniesThe 13 Colonies
The 13 Colonies is an interactive map that leads the students on a scavenger hunt as they learn about the history and characteristics of the colonies. Students are provided immediate feedback.

The Three Branches of Governmentcapitol
The United States Government is divided into three parts, or branches: the legislative branch, the executive branch, and the judicial branch. Each branch has a different duty, but all three branches must work together. Students learn about the Three Branches of Government and the jobs that they have. They read, play games, and take an interactive quiz.

Wonderopolis is a free informational site that asks and answers interesting questions about the world. Wonders of the Day questions are posted daily, and each is designed to get kids to think, talk, and find learning moments in everyday life.

These task cards cover the basic skills a fifth grader should know from mousing to keyboarding to learning how to treat technology devices. 

copy and pasteLearning to Copy and Paste
Learning to copy and paste is an important skill to learn. Students will learn how to highlight text, copy it, and then paste it into a document. Students will have fun adding text to National Geographic's Funny Fill-ins and then will copy and paste the completed story into a word document. 

Students enjoy being proficient in using technology shortcuts and teaching the skill to others. Some shortcuts are fairly common across all devices and applications and others are specific to a device. Being familiar with shortcuts helps students transfer the skill to other applications and devices.

Text to Speech
There are FREE amazing tools that will read text to you. These tools help students to listen to what they have written, listen to another person's work, and some will even allow you to transfer the audio to an mp3 player.


These task cards cover apps and programs that can be used across multiple age levels and curriculums. They are primarily how-to task cards on how to use the application in the classroom. 

3D Pens
3D pens are an easy way to create a 3D object. You can design from scratch or use a template. Students can develop motor skills and skills in spatial thinking, creativity and imagination, planning and organization, attention to details, and hand-eye coordination. 

edulasticAssess With Edulastic
Edulastic is a free online assessment platform that provides teachers a customizable and time-saving solution for assigning tests, quizzes, or worksheets to their students. This also has auto-grading and instant data, along with incorporating audio files, videos, and images into your tests. Note: This can be used with Kindergarten- 12th grade.

playpositAssess With PlayPosit
PlayPosit is an interactive video platform that allows the teacher to take videos from different sources and edit them.   As teachers add pauses (questions) at regular intervals, it keeps the students actively engaged.  Students can also rewind to find the answers.

quizletBasics of Quizlet
Quizlet allows students to study using tools and games.  There are thousands of study sets already created, or teachers and students can create their own.  When students find a study set, they can choose from different study mode buttons (flashcards, learn, write, spell, test, match, gravity).  They can also choose to play live against other students. Students of all ages can use this application. 


Blooket Fun
Blooket is an engaging classroom game that allows students to review various classroom skills, concepts, and topics. This task card explains the application and how to use it with students. 

Chromebook Superpowers
Using a simple KWL chart on a Google Doc, students can collaborate and acquire shortcuts for using a Chromebook (or just the Chrome browser) more efficiently.

Class KickClasskick
Classkick is a free online site that lets teachers create and share assignments.  As students work from iPads or Chromebooks, teachers can monitor them and give feedback in real-time. Teachers can also create rosters via class code, enter manually, or use Google Classroom.

classroomscreen toolsClassroomscreen Tools for the Teacher  
Teachers are able to use this Classroom Screen in their classroom in a variety of ways. There are 21 widgets to support class activities and help students get to work. 

bloomzCommunicate With Bloomz
Bloomz is a communication platform that helps students succeed in the classroom and at home. It is a great tool to use to stay connected in the school community and send real-time messages to a class or person. Parents and students can view a calendar, view behavior, sign up for conferences or volunteer work, and view photos from both the website or an app. Students will enjoy seeing the petals bloom as they watch behavior points blossom into a flower.

klassroomCommunicating With Parents Using Klassroom
Klassroom is an app that teachers and parents can download to their phones to easily communicate and engage with each other. Teachers can post assignments, add events, schedule conferences, and upload pictures. This is very similar to Facebook.

class dojoConnect With Class Dojo
ClassDojo connects teachers with students and parents to build amazing classroom communities by creating a positive culture. Teachers can encourage students for any skill or value — whether it is working hard, being kind, helping others, or something else.

Connect With Padlet
Padlet is an online post-it-like board that you can use as an easy collaboration platform for students. Padlets can be created by you or students. Once created, a student can share ideas and comment on other students as well. Note: Padlet is no longer free. You can create three for free. Please check the pricing structure. 

Wordwall activitiesCreate Custom Activities With Wordwall
Wordwall is a free resource for teachers to create interactive and printable activities. These can be played on any web-enabled device. Students can play individually or with each other.  

Creating a Graphic Organizer
Lucidchart is a visual platform for creating flowcharts and graphic organizers in real-time. Students under the guidance of teachers can use the free version. 

cartoon teacherDigital Learning for Kids
e-Learning for Kids is an educational website for kids grades K-5. Lessons are organized by grade level as well as skill topics. Students can easily sort the lessons and then select the lesson they want to work on. They are guided through the lesson with a cartoon video-audio and prompts. 

edpuzzleEdpuzzle - Interactive Video Lessons
Edpuzzle allows students to interactively engage with videos through audio notes and questioning. Teachers can use the videos already uploaded, crop, or upload their own. It automatically records students' grades, allows equation options for math, and also allows voice-over. This can be used by students of all ages.

minecraftExploring in Minecraft
Students will create a world on Minecraft. They will eat, explore, and tell the difference between creative, survival, and exploration modes while placing and destroying blocks.

EduprotocolFast and Curious Eduprotocol
Begin the week’s vocabulary words with a short 10-15 questions round of Quizizz (in live mode). After round one, do a mini-lesson on common mistakes and then give the quiz again to see tremendous growth. Continue reps throughout the week for mastery.

Freckle is a FREE website that provides online learning in math, science, social studies, and English language arts. Students take a pretest and then their individualized learning plan begins.

fun4thebrainFun 4 the Brain
Fun4thebrain is a website for students PreK-5 that has many different activities in all content areas for students.

Gimkit is an easy to set up group quiz-based assessment tool which is fast-paced. Teachers do not need to prompt questions. Gimkit also has a monetization component where students build up in-game cash that can then be used to purchase in-game upgrades. You can also paste any Quizlet into Gimkit.

Hooray! Go Formative!
Go Formative! is a web-based tool that allows teachers to formatively assess students on the fly, or at the beginning and end of a lesson. Teachers create the assessment, and students complete the assessment online. 

Immersive ReaderImproving Reading and Listening Skills With Immersive Reader
Immersive Reader is a free assistive tech tool for Office 365 that brings assistive technology tools into the Office 365 environment to improve reading and writing.  Immersive Reader can improve reading comprehension and increase fluency for English language learners.

thinglinkInteractive Images With Thinglink
Thinglink allows teachers to create visual learning materials and virtual tours, empowers students to work on projects and assignments using text, voice, photos, and video.

Interactive Lessons with Insert Learning
InsertLearning is a Chrome extension that turns websites into interactive lessons. As long as students have a Google login and password, a Chromebook or Chrome extension on a computer, they can log in or be assigned an assignment by the teacher through Google Classroom. 

Interactive Lessons With Nearpod
Nearpod is an online site where a teacher can create and import interactive lessons along with online assessments, polls, virtual field trips, etc. Teachers share a live session, students enter a code, and the lesson is synced to all devices.

Kahoot! is a free tool for using technology to administer quizzes, discussions or surveys. It is a game-based classroom response system played by the whole class in real-time. Multiple-choice questions are projected on the screen. Students answer the questions with their smartphone, tablet or computer. 

Learning With Google Hangouts
Google Hangouts is a communication platform that includes instant messaging, video chat, SMS and VOIP features. With Google Hangouts, classrooms can connect with each other and collaborate on various topics.

Lino Narrative Task
Lino offers the capacity to post sticky notes on a canvas using a web browser. The teacher may create a canvas and share the link with the class. The students do not have to log in to collaborate. Students may collaboratively post color-coded sticky notes, share images, links, etc. to the canvas.

Loom Video Recording
Loom is a free extension to make recordings of Chromebook screen, a combination of a person and the screen, or just a person to create a video with sharing capabilities. Students are able to create recordings to teach others about a subject, an application or website they are using. 

MentimeterMentimeter Interactive Quiz
Mentimeter is a free resource teachers can use to create fun and interactive presentations. The teacher will create a multiple choice quiz and students will answer each question in real-time.

Make Your Ideas Pop!
Popplet is a web-based and app-based tool that allows students to mind map their ideas with user-friendly functions. Students can create brainstorming webs easily and collaboratively. Students learn about United States symbols. 

Mystery Doug
Mystery Doug is a FREE weekly video series where students ask questions. The videos are short, approximately five minutes long. 

kids writing math on boardOperations and Algebraic Thinking
Math Playground provides grade-level appropriate activities for math operations and algebraic thinking with a variety of activities to engage students and strengthen their skills. It can be used in grades one-six. 

boy at deskOrganize Your Classroom With Showbie
Showbie is an app used by teachers to assign, collect, and review student work. Showbie keeps student work organized by classes and assignments. Students can see their upcoming assignments. Teachers can upload documents for students to access and complete the assignment. Teachers can comment on student’s work.

Pear DeckPear Deck Interactive Slide Presentation
Pear Deck is an interactive presentation teachers use to enhance engagement in learning. Students will use their Chromebook to follow along with the teacher’s slideshow. Throughout the presentation students will answer a variety of questions, including drawing, dragging, text, number, and multiple choice. Teachers will receive instant feedback and can then discuss this feedback with students.

bunceePresenting With Buncee
Buncee is a presentation tool that allows students to create content that is unique to them and their learning experiences. Buncee offers free public domain images, the ability to embed videos, and upload content, as well as interactive materials, colorful backgrounds, and fun templates. Note: A free Buncee account allows up to five Buncees. 

QR Code Your Learning
QR codes are everywhere! So what are they all about? Students will be able to create a QR code to share a digital artifact with parents, students and teachers.

quizalizeQuizalize - Engaging Your Students in Learning
Quizalize is an online platform where teachers can create quizzes to test students’ knowledge and see results in the teacher dashboard. Teachers can also choose from over 12,000 pre-made quizzes. This is great to use as a pre-assessment tool to see which students need intervention or enrichment.  Teachers can then use it as a formative assessment to check for understanding. Students can also create their own quizzes to be used by classmates.  

remindRemind - A Communication Tool
Remind is a communication platform that helps students succeed in the classroom and at home. It’s a great tool to use to stay connected in the school community and send real-time messages to a class or person.  

Review Game ZoneReview Game Zone
Review Game Zone is a free online interactive game that helps prepare the students for tests and quizzes. Teacher generated study questions are inserted into the school game to help reinforce classroom learning and test preparation for students.

cartoonSmarty Games
Smarty Games is a fun interactive website that helps to develop creativity, visualization, problem-solving skills, math skills and the curiosity for knowledge. It is very easy to understand.  It can help students be more successful with their elementary school curriculum. It is kid-friendly, safe and FREE!

Socrative Exit Tickets
Socrative, an online student response system, quickly assesses students with prepared activities or on-the-fly questions to get immediate insight into student understanding. The teacher can use the auto-populated results to determine the best instructional approach to most effectively drive learning. 

Storyboard That is an online storyboard that is like a graphic organizer. It can be used by students and teachers to create storyboards using motion picture, animation, motion graphics, and interactive media.

Sumo Paint
Sumo Paint is a free online paint program and image editor similar to Photoshop. Flash is required for this site and ads are present.

symbalooSymbaloo For Educators
SymbalooEDU is a bookmarking website that helps teachers and students organize their favorite websites. This is a resource management tool that can be used to organize lesson plans, add links, web pages, or any other content that would be helpful for your students. You can organize the tiles by subject, grade, or however you want. 

Ted TalkTed Talk Back to School
Ted Talks is a free website that covers a variety of topics. You can use Ted Talks effectively in your classroom through video. This can be used for elementary, middle school, and high school depending on the subject area. It brings together the brightest and best in a broad spectrum of fields, like technology, engineering, music, and more. Ted Talks helps get students thinking critically.

testmozTestmoz - Auto-graded Tests and Quizzes
Testmoz is a web tool that allows teachers to create auto-graded tests and quizzes. You can choose four types of questions - multiple-choice, true/false, multiple response, and fill in the blank. Without an account, you are allowed 50 questions for each test.

Text to Speech
There are FREE amazing tools that will read the text to you. These tools help students to listen to what they have written, listen to another person's work, and some will even allow you to transfer the audio to an mp3 player. 

Students will learn more about coding and maker resources. There are activities to better understand computational thinking and how it can be applied when working on projects.

Battleship Spreadsheet
Innovator Eric Curts has coded this marvelous Google Sheets template to create a fantastic game of Battleship. It may be used to introduce students to useful tech skills such as how to share, use of revision history, locate specific cells and enter data. 

get codingCharacterization Through Coding
Students will apply their knowledge of characterization by coding a sample character’s thought, actions, and words.

Lesson credit to Google CS First Curriculum

hour of code punch codeCoding Punch Cards
So you have what? How do you manage them? These coding punch cards can be customized and used to offer students activity choices while managing your learning environment.

Create Your Own Sprite
When students are learning to code they use often sprites as icons to move around the screen. Piskel is a free online sprite creator for creating animated sprites and pixel art.

Dash Dance Party
Coding with Dash is so much fun! Using the Blockly app, students will be able to utilize block coding to plan, create, and execute a dance for Dash. This task card could be used with grades 3-5. This task card will take two-three class periods.

Fizzbits -  Add Fun To Your Maker Creations
Whether you build with paper or design something to print in 3D, the simple addition of a USB charged fizzbit vibrating motor can make your creation come alive. A Fizzbit, a product you currently must order from the UK, can easily be attached to a 3D printed object or papercraft character to make them vibrate and move. 

chessLet's Learn to Play Chess
ChessKids is a website that teaches children how to play the game of Chess. It walks them through the game, has tutorials, puzzles and involves the child. It helps to keep them motivated as they are learning the game and improving their skills. It also helps with critical thinking skills.

robotGamify Robots
Learn how to use your Robots (e.g., Code and Go Mice, Dash, and Spheros) by gaming. Gaming creates a high-interest, team-building, and problem-solving approach to using the robots, and the games are easily adapted to most robots and many levels.

math pickleIn a Pickle With Math
Math Pickle is a resource filled with math puzzles and games to engage students in problem-solving. Puzzles are organized by grade level and subject.

MicrobitsLight Up Learning With Microbits
Students will use knowledge of coding to create a closed circuit. Microbits will be required for this activity. 


LightbotLightbot Coding
Coding or programming is the way that we as programmers, can tell a computer what to do using instructions that the computer will understand. The instruction for coding can be either in words or icons. Lightbot is a programming puzzle game.

Logic Puzzles
Computational thinking is a powerful skill that students need to learn. A great place to start is puzzles! Students love to solve puzzles and it helps develop reasoning skills useful for programming, computer science, and anything they might do. 

paper circuitPaper Circuit Greeting Cards
Students will use knowledge of series circuits to create a closed circuit greeting card.

Survey Says
Students are presented with a scenario surrounding a relevant contemporary public issue on which they can take a stand. Students will work together to create a survey that will then be shared with various groups, in order to analyze the ways in which certain groups perceive a given issue. Once collected, the data will be discussed and analyzed. Finally, students will support their opinion using the data collected.

Unplugged: What is Computational Thinking?question marks
Computational Thinking and coding go hand-in-hand. But what does it mean to think computationally, and how do we introduce this type of thinking to students? In this unplugged activity, students experience what it’s like to be a programmer while they code another student to complete a drawing.  

These task cards assist the student in communicating and presenting creatively in different ways.

Common Good Collaborating
Google Sites are a great platform to communicate both locally & globally. They are easy to set up for your students and easy to link information both individually for your students as well as setting up a group or classroom page. 

bloomzCommunicate With Bloomz
Bloomz is a communication platform that helps students succeed in the classroom and at home. It is a great tool to use to stay connected in the school community and send real-time messages to a class or person. Parents and students can view a calendar, view behavior, sign up for conferences or volunteer work, and view photos from both the website or an app. Students will enjoy seeing the petals bloom as they watch behavior points blossom into a flower.

klassroomCommunicating With Parents Using Klassroom
Klassroom is an app that teachers and parents can download to their phones to easily communicate and engage with each other. Teachers can post assignments, add events, schedule conferences, and upload pictures. This is very similar to Facebook.

class dojoConnect With Class Dojo
ClassDojo connects teachers with students and parents to build amazing classroom communities by creating a positive culture. Teachers can encourage students for any skill or value — whether it is working hard, being kind, helping others, or something else.

Express Yourself
Students will do research on a topic, after which they will present their findings in a creative, visual manner. Utilizing information from a variety of resources, students will create an original infographic.

parlayParlay Ideas
Parlay is a written discussion activity that increases student voice and encourages a diversity of perspectives. Students will join discussions, provide constructive feedback, and build on each other's ideas.

Publish a Collaborative Research Project With Google Slides
Students will use Google Slides to publish a research project. This project will include links to other slides and information from the internet. Students will also search and add images from the internet and video to support their topic. 

Solving Problems Together
Problems get solved when people work together. Students will choose a problem or issue from their local community that needs a solution. They will create a Google Form that will be used to gather community opinions and perceptions to help create a solution to a local issue. 

Storytelling With Google Slides
In this lesson, students will take a story they have written and publish it using Google Slides or PowerPoint. They will be able to insert pictures and speech bubbles to make their story come to life for their audience.

Video Remix
Students love to express themselves with images and videos. As we know there is a plethora of images and video readily available on the Internet for use in remixing other materials to create something new. Students can use public domain images and videos to remix for an assigned school project. 

What's the Issue
Students will create a short screencast that helps present a local or global issue to a wider audience. The screencast will include a voiced narration presenting an idea on how to solve the issue and requesting ideas in return. After considering the feedback received students will create a new screencast to present the ideas.

Working Together to Stop Bullying
Students will obtain multiple viewpoints on the issue of bullying and brainstorm possible solutions, with peers, educators, and parents, via video-conferencing. After collaborating with at least two individuals directly impacted by bullying, the class will create a “No Bullying” campaign based on solutions discussed during the video- conferences and the class discussions.

Ziteboard Collaboration
Ziteboard is a free online whiteboard with real-time collaboration. It can be used for brainstorming, presentation and communicating. Not only can you use tools that are provided, but pictures and voice can also be inserted.

Design Thinking is a process that teachers use to take a structured approach to generate and develop ideas. The task cards in this area help teach the design process. 

Roller Coaster Challenge
Students will design a fun and safe roller coaster with at least one loop. Students start by simulating a coaster with Amusement Park Physics.  After simulating a coaster and understanding how to design a safe and fun coaster, students use the design process to create a prototype coaster for an amusement park.

Strawbees Egg Drop Challenge
Do the egg drop challenge with Strawbees! Have the students be innovative designers and construct a model for the egg with the Strawbees so when it is dropped, it will not break. The students are learning about force and gravity. Using technology they can gather information to look at how they can develop the best model. 

These task cards teach students about art, photography, videography, music, etc. 

DockAdventures in Summer
Students will be creating a virtual collage of their summer using They will be able to upload pictures of their own or use stock photos on the site, use a background, and include text telling a little bit about their summer through labels.

Express Your Musicality
It is a lot of fun to create music and Incredibox makes it easy using a beatbox technique along with dragging and dropping sound icons on different characters to create music. Students can easily create a music track in seconds and download it as background music in a project. 

Frayer Model Google Draw
The Frayer Model is an instructional strategy that helps students learn new concepts by using examples and non-examples. By combining this instructional strategy with Google Draw, teachers may quickly customize and disburse organizers for classroom use and also improve student engagement.

IncrediboxIncredibox Song Composition
The learner will use Incredibox (website or app) to create an a capella song that will accompany a piece of their (creative) writing. Using Incredibox, students will create a mix of seven individuals who sing/beatbox/make sound effects.

Me: A Work of ArtsMe: A Work of Arts
The learner will use a Google Slide template to create an “All About Me” using photos, artwork, etc.  They will then create a song (score) using Incredibox to go along with their slide. When finished, they will present to the class.  This could also be done on PowerPoint.

Pop Art Image Editing
Students may create new images in the style of Andy Warhol while learning photo editing skills. The Pixlr photo editor is a free site where students may create or modify images and then download them for use on other projects.

Stop Motion Animation
Your students will love stop-motion animation for movie making. There is a free app for both Android and iOS that your students can use, but there are in-app purchases that may be necessary for any extra features needed for a professional-looking product. 

Sumo Paint
Sumo Paint is a free online paint program and image editor similar to Photoshop. 

Mouse on Music NotesUsing Chrome Music Lab to Create Music Digitally
In this lesson, students will become more advanced in their understanding of music by creating their own music with Chrome Music Lab.

paint paletteYou Gotta Have Art
Art inspires students to do well in and out of the classroom. Students that have art may stay in school, be more motivated, have a positive attitude, and it may improve academic performance. Students will “tour” the free website of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and learn about art from around the world.

These task cards have activities to teach students about how to be a good citizen, stay safe on the Internet and prevent bullying. 

networkingBecoming a Confident Internet Explorer
Interland is an online game created by Google, that provides learning about digital citizenship through gaming. Internauts are characters in the game. Students practice the skills that they need to be confident online explorers.

Citations in Google Docs
Google Scholar Citations provide a simple way for students to keep track of citations to their articles. When students are using Google Docs to write their papers, they can easily link and cite the articles used for references. 

researchOrganizing Research In Google Docs
Students will learn how to use the Explore feature in Google Docs. Students will create a two-column table to organize their research. Finally, students will utilize the citation tool to correctly cite their research.

Evaluating Websites HyperDoc
Students will learn how to evaluate a website while using a HyperDoc in a group task. Hyperdocs are interactive digital documents that may easily be edited by a teacher. These multimedia-rich documents contain links for research, videos, images, etc. along with the steps for students to follow and record their work. 

three students with various mobile devices Media Literacy Digital Breakout
Students will complete a digital breakout with a Google site and Google Form to learn about the role that media literacy plays in their ability to understand, analyze, and critically evaluate media messages.

Properly Citing Sources
Students write an essay expressing their opinion, wherein they choose an influential person and explain why this person should be included within a list of most influential people of all time. In order to ensure that students are respecting the rights of others, they will use an online tool for generating citations to cite sources within a bibliography.

Safe Search
When using either of these two search engines, Google and Bing will filter out explicit and violent content from search results (web sites, images and videos.) Unfortunately, Safe Search is not perfect, but there will be much less unsuitable content and we know students are going to use these search engines when doing research. 

Stop the Plagiarism
Students need to learn early on how important it is to create original work. Luckily there are digital tools to help students ensure that when they are doing their research that they are not copying the work of others. 

Working Together to Stop Bullying
Students will obtain multiple viewpoints on the issue of bullying and brainstorm possible solutions, with peers, educators, and parents, via video-conferencing. After collaborating with at least two individuals directly impacted by bullying, the class will create a “No Bullying” campaign based on solutions discussed during the video- conferences and the class discussions.

MITECS (Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students): Michigan adopted a state-wide version of the "ISTE Standards for Students" and named them MITECS (Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students) in 2018.



To learn more about MITECS, visit the State of Michigan's website for definitions and support documents to assist you in the classroom. 

Search for task cards by MITECS/ISTE Standards