21 Things - Basics

Q1 Basics: Student Checklist

1. Basics

Student Checklists


There is a student checklist (linked on the right-hand side) that provides a checklist of each step in a Quest. Each Quest will have one with the name of the Thing.Quest# (example: 1.Q1) and is repeated on each page of the Quest.

Note: Students asked us to add these and some tell us they are very helpful.

IMPORTANT: These are Google documents that you cannot write in until you have made your own copy.

  • Google Drive users: If you use Google Drive then you can go to the File menu and make a copy for yourself and rename it.
  • Microsoft users: If you use Microsoft Office use the File menu and use the Download as... Microsoft document.
  • We suggest renaming the checklists using the Thing and Quest number, so this one would be 1.Q1 and your initials.

Title: Intro to Student Checklists, Direct link, (1:30)