My Digital Life

3. My Digital Life


In this Thing, you will be prepared for the evolving technological landscape. as a Knowledge Constructor, Empowered Learner, and Digital Citizen. Also, you will look at the potential consequences of sharing on social networks. 

Learning Objectives:

  1. Use a data tool to identify personality types, strengths, and struggles. [Knowledge Constructor} 
  2. Can reflect on one's learning process to improve learning outcomes. [Knowledge Constructor]
  3. Identify some personal strategies where technology applications and tools can be helpful. [Empowered Learner]
  4. Identify and use some technology applications and tools that support specific personality styles.[Empowered Learner]
  5. Develop strategies leveraging technology applications and tools to support my styles. [Empowered Learner]
  6. Know how to safeguard your well-being by being intentional about what you do online. [Digital Citizen]

A licensed shutter stock image of a large sign with he title Digital Life and 7 teens sitting with different technology devices on benches in front of it.

   Image used under license from

I have completed the Quests as assigned by my teacher. 
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The sheets can be sorted by:
Screenshot of the top row of the Complete URL list column headers: Thing/Quest, Title, URL, 21t4s Category, Document Type

  • Thing/Quest
  • Title
  • URL
  • 21t4s Category (Websites, 21t4s documents & quizzes, 21t4s videos, videos from other sources, student checklist, teacher guide)
  • Document Type (Google and Microsoft applications, PDF, Quizlets, YouTube-SchoolTube-TeacherTube videos)


Use the Awesome Index to sort by Thing#Quest#, Technology Standards, Interactive/Self-Guided activities, Key Vocabulary, Content Area, Teacher Guides, and Applications.


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Vocabulary Quizlet Direct link to set