Productivity Suite

Q1 Google Slides Skills

11. Powerful Presentations

Introduction to Google Slide Menus (3:07) direct link

BASIC Google Slide Skills Activity

Check with your teacher about where to save your work (Activity Sheet and Basic Slideshow), and when they are due.


1. Download or make a copy of this 11.Q1 Basic Google Slide Skills Activity.

2. Check off each skill as they complete it, which includes creating a Google Slidedeck

3. Example of the Completed Basic Google Slide Presentation: Bella

The Video Demo below shows the entire activity step-by-step, for completing the Basic Google Slide Presentation.

ADVANCED Google Slide Skills Activity

Check with your teacher about where to save your work and when it is due.

Skills covered: WordArt, spelling check, arranging objects, voice to text, Insert/record audio, Insert video, hyperlink between slides, sharing, diagram, create an image


1. Activity: You will use the Advanced Skills Slide Deck and complete the directions in the speaker notes or on the slide to demonstrate the skill.

2. Video tutorials: Links to video tutorials are also provided in some of the speaker notes to use as needed to complete this activity. 

3. On Completion: Provide a shared link to your Advanced Google Slide Skills Activity with commenting rights for your teacher when you are done.

MITECS  Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students, and

ISTE Standards for Students

1. Empowered Learner
d. Understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies