In this section you will learn about, listen to, and evaluate an audio/video media resource called a podcast, or called a vodcast if it has video. 

***Headphones are highly recommended for use with this Quest.


  • explain what a podcast is
  • know characteristics that makes a podcast effective and interesting to listen to
  • understand how podcasts can be a useful tool for communicating and learning


1. Download or make a copy of this 17.Q3 Podcast Activity document to complete as you go through this Quest.

2. Visit "What is a Podcast? An Explanation in Plain English" to be able to explain it a classmate or family member. Fill this information into the Podcast Activity Document.

  • What is a podcast?
  • What device(s) do you need to access it? Phone, computer, headphone, TV, Speakers, Car...
  • How do you listen to it?
  • What applications? Apple, Google, Spotify?
  • Do you have to subscribe? Why would you want to podcast?
  • Is there a cost?

2. Look over this Podcast evaluation rubric that is shown in your Podcast Activity document (or as Google Sheet, or as a pdf file).

3. Experience some podcasts by selecting two from the following resources. After listening to each one copy and paste the link to the podcast into your Activity Document and fill in the information.

Podcasts for Middle School

Podcasts for all ages

High School Level Podcasts

Elementary Level Podcasts

Creating your own Digital Story

If you want to create your own digital story you may be interested in using this 21t4s 17.Q3 Planning a Digital Story Document.

Completing this Quest

  • have completed the 17.Q3 Podcasts Activity Document
  • checked with your teacher about submitting or sharing it
  • you are ready for another Quest.

 Return to Creative Communications Q3 page


21t4s Videos

21t4s Documents

Podcasts for All Ages

Podcasts for Elementary Level

Podcasts for Middle School

Podcasts for High School Level