Welcome Educators!
Welcome to the FREE 21 Things 4 Students website resource. Newcomers please sign up on the Registration page. Your registration information is not provided to any vendors or others, this is used to help us identify our audience and some basic information.
A 30-slide Slidesdeck Introduction to the 21 Things 4 Students (updated 12/2024)
Integrating Technology Introduction to the 21 Things 4 Students Slide deck (updated 12/15/24)
AI & 21Things
We have identified the different resources and activities where AI is being used or referenced. To learn more, visit the linked resources:
1. AI & 21Things Page for: AI & Lesson Planning free resources, Common Sense Media AI Literacy Lessons, Citing AI-Generated Sources, Ethics of AI Curriculum from MIT, and more.
2. Awesome Index and filter for "Applications" and select "AI."
3. 2024 Presentation about Apps & Strategies to Stop Cheating with AI shared by Andy Mann.
4. REMC Guide: AI In The Classroom A Practical Guide for Educators
Assessments, Portfolios, Quizzes & Surveys
Visit the Assessment page to learn about 21t4s Assessments, Quizzes & Surveys.
Visit the Student Showcase Portfolio Page to learn about the template we provide.
List of Digital Breakouts
The Digital Breakouts in 21 Things 4 Students:
What is a Digital Breakout Activity? Slidedeck
List of the Breakouts:
1.Q6 Email: Escape from Tech Basics
2.Q3 Quick Response: Quick Response
3.Q3 Social Media: Consider This...
5.Q4 Getting Social: Getting Social
6.Q1 Responsible Internet Use: How Cybersafe Are You?
6.Q5 Stop the Bullying-What Can We Do: Stop Cyberbullying
7.Q4 Stop the Pirates: Stop the Pirates
8.Q4 Trouble: Troubleshooting
9.Q5 Fake or Real News: Fake or Real
10.Q4 Mythbuster: Mythbusters Master
13.Q9 Dig the Data: Dig the Data
15.Q1 Design Thinking: Design Thinking
19.Q4 Clickbait: Buyer Beware
21.Q5 Algorithm: Puzzle Master
Additional information is provided for teachers using the Teacher Resource Login Page.
Revisions, Updates and Feedback
Visit the Updates Page to learn about 21t4s revisions to site content and resources.
We encourage you to provide suggestions for improvements, additions and/or changes for future revisions.
There is a Feedback Survey: On each Thing Graduation Page. Please encourage students to provide some constructive feedback. They are encouraged to send their ideas on how to improve the activities. Their ideas are used to improve the site to meet their needs better.
Some changes made based on student feedback:
- brought about the Student Checklists
- identified the need to add more interactive or game activities
- identifies Things and Quests to be updated
21t4s Roadmap
21t4s Roadmap Google sheet that can be downloaded to your drive, or downloaded as an Excel or PDF file.
Student Technology Skills Survey & Information
This is a self-reporting basic technology skill survey (that can also be used as a Pre and Post skill survey).
There are two options:
1. Use the ProProfs online version of the survey
- Use the survey links provided to have students take it using the ProProfs website. The only requirement to take the survey is the student's first name and last name initial, no emails or ids should be used.
- Students will select between two responses to each of the 30 technology skill statements provided: "I need to learn" or "I Can Do It." The "I need to learn" responses will be shown as incorrect to help students identify learning goals on the final report.
- Each technology skill statement is followed by the 21t4s "Thing" which identifies where they can learn the information in the 21t4s site. Example: (1.Basics).
- Students should check with their teacher about saving their report of their results: download them as a PDF, or to print them out.
Note: There is an assessment bank of multiple-choice questions available in the Teacher Resources log-in area.
Teacher Guides
This icon is found on the side menu of each "Thing and Quest page" indicating a teacher guide.
The Teacher Guides page contains links to each of the 21 Thing Teacher Guides.
A password is required to visit the Teacher Resource login section. The password is shared at the end of completing the Teacher Registration. If help is needed, please contact us: 21things4students@remc.org and use the subject field to identify your need.
Accommodations are important to include for access to web resources. The hosting site, Foxbright, has been making changes to make the pages accessible for assorted devices and to meet the needs of our educational community using these resources.
Please visit the Accommodations Page for additional resources.
Book Creator
Book Creator is an option mentioned in some of the Quests for classrooms and students to use with the activities in 21things4students.
Book Creator is an app that can be used at all grade levels depending on the ability of the students.
You can create a teacher’s account with Book Creator. Check out the 50 Ways to Use Book Creator
Review the “Getting Started” guide on how to use the app or view this video tutorial to learn how to use the app.
Then setup a classroom library and student accounts. The teacher account provides for 1 library with up to 40 free books, and access for an unlimited number of students.
Cost $ There is a cost for having unlimited libraries, 1000 books, and also a Volume pricing discount for Schools & Districts.
Explore the MiTechKids 4th grade lesson for Global Collaborator as an example.
Competencies & Standards
In 2018 Michigan adopted the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE-S) "Standards for Students". Michigan named these MITECS, or the Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students.
The Michigan Techplan.org site has posted an age band articulation document and a sample set of scenarios.
"The ISTE Standards provide the competencies for learning, teaching and leading with technology, and are a comprehensive road map for the effective use of technology in schools worldwide."
They provide standards
The 21things4students received the ISTE Seal of Approval for years 2016-2022 when our site applied for a review of our activities aligned to their standards.
Digital Citizenship
Educator Resources:
- REMC Digital Citizenship Toolkit
- Digital Citizenship Elements
- Digital Citizenship: Foundational Understandings
- Digital Footprint & Reputation
- Relationships & Communication / Cyberbullying & Digital Drama / Media Balance & Wellbeing
- News Media & Literacy
- Privacy & Security
K-12: Common Sense Education Digital Citizenship Curriculum.
Google: Be Internet Awesome Game and Downloadable Curriculum
VIDEOS hosted on MI Streamnet/Eduvision
Our 21t4s Videos embedded on this website are hosted by MI Streamnet/Eduvision
If your videos are not playing please provide the following information to your tech department:
These Assets are streamed using the HTTP (port 80) and RTMP (port 1935) internet protocols. The 2nd port seems to be an issue at some schools. It's a quick fix for your tech department
Host domains are:
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If you go to the video on MiStreamnet.org there is a "Help and Feedback" link you can click on and a place to put your contact information and detailed message. They will contact you back, but in the meantime please give the above information to your technology person that handles your Internet filtering to make sure these are not blocked.
Please take the time to report any inappropriate content or BAD LINK using the hyperlinked text.