
In this Thing, you will build basic and important technology operations, skills, vocabulary, and an understanding of using computing devices. There are seven main Quests.  The three Gold Quests are included for those wishing for additional resources. 

We suggest starting the 21things4students website with Quest 1 for an orientation to the Things and Quests. The activities and resources on this site can be used in sequential order or individually, as indicated by your teacher.


  1. Understand the fundamental concepts and features of the 21t4s website [Empowered Learner]. 
  2. Understand basic concepts of technology operations [Empowered Learner].
  3. Set personal learning goals [Empowered Learner].
  4. Engage in positive, safe, legal, and ethical behavior [Digital Citizen].
  5. Use technology to demonstrate their learning [Empowered Learner].
  6. Manage their personal data for privacy, safety, and security [Digital Citizen].
  7. Explore real-world issues around safety and security [Knowledge Constructor].

This short animated video introduces some of the things you can learn in these "Basics" Quests. To view it fullscreen move your cursor to the right corner on the bottom of the video and select the two arrows to expand it, and use ESC (escape) to make it small again when done.

Direct link to: Basics Animated Introduction Video (2:06)


Learn more about Immersive Reader in Thing 4 Quest 6 Sweet Tools (with Google Docs or with Microsoft Word)  

Basic Intro to Immersive Reader(5:41), Direct Link

I have completed the Quests as assigned by my teacher. 
Go to the graduation page for this Thing


This is a link to the complete URL list. There is a separate sheet for each Thing. This list is being updated daily as links can go bad or newer content is added.

The sheets can be sorted by:
Screenshot of the top row of the Complete URL list column headers: Thing/Quest, Title, URL, 21t4s Category, Document Type

  • Thing/Quest
  • Title
  • URL
  • 21t4s Category (Websites, 21t4s documents & quizzes, 21t4s videos, videos from other sources, student checklist, teacher guide)
  • Document Type (Google and Microsoft applications, PDF, Quizlets, YouTube-SchoolTube-TeacherTube videos)


Use the Awesome Index to sort by Thing#Quest#, Technology Standards, Interactive/Self-Guided activities, Key Vocabulary, Content Area, Teacher Guides, and Applications.


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