21 Things - Basics

Gold Quest-Techie Equipment

1. Basics


With technology changing almost by the minute, it is difficult to keep up to date. While some of your parents/guardians may remember using a slide rule in their math courses, not many will have used an abacus. What have these been replaced with today? Go through the steps below to find out. 

learning objectives

I can:

  • Utilize input and output devices.


  • Digital Camera - A Digital image capture device
  • CD, CD-R, DVD, or DV-R - Data storage devices
  • Headphone - A Digital image capture device
  • Laptop - A computer that is portable and suitable for use while traveling.
  • Microphone - An instrument for converting sound waves into electrical energy variations, which may then be amplified, transmitted, or recorded.
  • Printer - An output device to print files you send to it from your digital devices.
  • USB Drive - A solid-state storage device you can save files on (eg. data, music files, and movies).
  • Video Camera - A camera for recording images on videotape or for transmitting them to a monitor screen.

Can you identify the equipment?

Direct link to the Quizlet




1. Visit this site to view the history of an abacus. Show this site to an older relative, family member, or friend of yours to see what they remember.  Visit this site about the history of the abacus and Slide Rule  Learn how the slide  rule was used for calculations for the Apollo mission to the moon. in this video 3:49 min Youtube video.

2. Download the 21t4s Equipment Gathering Document (Either print it or save it to your device). 

Use the questions provided in this information-gathering document with at least three of the following: older relative, family or friend. Ask them about their earliest experiences with technology: as a child, at home and in school. Take notes on each of their answers and ask for more information, just like a CSI investigator.

3. When you are done with the interview, enter your information into our survey tool. You will need to do this three times, once for each of your interviews.

4. Check with your teacher on how he or she wants you to document your interview (hand in your completed interview sheet, capture your document with a digital camera or scanner, or take a screenshot of the information you entered).

5. You will be able to view the results to see what other students across the globe have discovered from their interviews after you submit your answers.


Completing this Quest

Share your completed work with your teacher.

Add this to your 21t4s roadmap as a bonus

Return to Basics

MITECS  Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students, and

ISTE Standards for Students

3.  Knowledge Constructor
a. Plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits
c. Curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions


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