21 Things - Basics

Q1 Basics: Introduction

1. Basics


The 21 Things 4 Students website is a very large website filled with lots of activities that use technology. In this Quest, you will:

  • be introduced to the vocabulary used in this 21t4s website
  • learn how to download and use the student checklists
  • take a technology skills survey and set some personal learning goals to improve your basic technology skills
  • learn about the student portfolio, the Awesome Index of the resources, and about the 21t4s roadmap

I Can Statements

  • understand the features and vocabulary used on this website
  • confidently navigate the Menus, Things, and Quests
  • use the Student Checklist and 21t4s Roadmap
  • demonstrate my work using the Student Showcase Portfolio
  • set personal learning goals after completing a short technology skills survey

This animated video was created using Adobe Animation Character Creator

Direct Link (0:32)