21 Things - Basics

Q1 Basics: Student Index & Roadmap

1. Basics

The purpose of this page is to introduce two resources for the 21Things4Students experience. As you explore them ask yourself, 

"How might the Awesome Table help you locate different 21t4s resources?"

"How could using the Roadmap help you track your progress and artifacts that you complete as you use these resources?"


Where is it located? 

Look along the main menu bar at the top of this page, under the picture. Select INDEX , then select the Direct Link to Awesome Index for 21things4students.

Screenshot of the Main Menu Bar with: Begin Here, About 21t4s, Index is highlighted, Teachers, MiTechKids, and 21things4students

What is it?

This is a table where you can sort the listing by: Thing Number, Technology Standard, Interactive/Self-Guided, Key Vocabulary, Content Area, or Applications. This shows an example of searching by the Content Area title to locate pages with cybersafety (5 found), and searching by the AI on Quest Pages field to locate where AI is integrated into a Quest.

Screenshot of the Index search by Content area to locate cybersafety content              screenshot of the Index search using AI on Quest Pages filter.

How is this helpful? 

You can search the Index for:

  • specific vocabulary word
  • a technology standard such as Digital Citizen and Quests containing information.
  • links to interactive web resources used in this site.
  • subject areas such as math, history, writing.

21t4s Roadmap

Where is it located?

21t4s Roadmap 2025-26 (a Google spreadsheet). It is also linked in the Awesome Index called "Roadmap." When it is opened, use the File menu to download it as a Google spreadsheet, Microsoft Excel file or PDF document and or copied to your Google drive if you are logged into your account.

What is it?

An icon for a RoadmapThe 21t4s Roadmap is a spreadsheet listing all of the 21 Things and Quests. It has cells where the Quest completed can be checked off, the date completed, and a column for completed documents such as the portfolio can be linked into it.Screenshot of the Roadmap spreadsheet showing columns for the Thing, Quest number and name. Can be used as a check off sheet.

How is it helpful?

Some students and teachers find it helpful for keeping track of the different Things and Quests that are completed during the semester or year. Some school districts use different "Things" with different core content classes. For example: 

  • an English teacher might use 4.Suite Tools and 18.Digital Storytelling as part of their course.
  • a Technology class might have students complete Things 1-7 in 6th grade, Things 8-14 in 7th grade, and Things 9-21 in 8th grade.
  • a Math teacher might use 5. Digital Footprint, 13. Dig the Data, 15. Design Thinking, and 21 Computational Thinking.