21 Things - Basics

Q4 Shortcuts: Keyboard Skills & Gymnastics

1. Basics

Title of video 1.Q4 Tech Gymnastics Direct link  (1:13)



Keyboarding skills are the ultimate Shortcut

Want to do well in school?

Step 1: Build up your keyboarding skills and it will make life online, writing papers, searching for tunes, taking tests, texting, and just about everything online much quicker and easier. Many of the places you might apply for a job require keyboarding skills.


Have you been typing/keyboarding with a hunt and peck system? With two thumbs? Many tests used in schools will require you to be able to type or enter data more quickly.

Step 2: Your goal is to build your typing speed to 35 words per minute (wpm). The faster and more accurately you can type, the better chance you have to meet challenges ahead. Take a speed test (no tickets will be given out for speeding!) and then use the free programs listed below to improve your skills. 

Take a keyboarding test!

Step 3: Take a keyboarding test at Typing Test.

We recommend that your teacher set up a FREE account at Typing.com  so you can log in and practice proper finger placement and get your speed and accuracy rates. 

An alternate resource is the Typing Club, which also has a placement test and lessons.

Step 4:  Try some fun games to practice at Kidstype BBC Typing Games or Typing.com Typing Games.

Typing apps for the iPad:

Step 5: Share the results with your teacher and set a personal goal for improvement. You might choose to enter your keyboarding score on your checklist, or your Student Showcase Portfolio.

MITECS   Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students, and

ISTE Standards for Students

1. Empowered Learner
d. Understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies, and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies