Q1 What is a Social Network? Interviews
Social Networking Over Time
Essential Question: How has social networking developed and changed over time?
The rise of social media is an extraordinary example of how quickly and drastically social behaviors can change.
What is today part of the everyday life of one-third of the world's population was unthinkable less than a generation ago.
Part 1. Creating the interview questions
Now that you have learned about social media and social networking history dig deeper by interviewing older adults. You want to know how they communicated, shared ideas, and networked with others when they were your age.
Part 1 Steps:
1. Have one individual in class volunteer to download or save the 14.Q1 Interview Document for this activity.
2. As a class, the objective is to create a list of four or five interview questions to ask two or more senior individuals (grandparents or a senior in your neighborhood). Some sample questions are included in the document.
3. Once the questions have been completed, share that document with classmates.
Preparing for the Interview
Options for using the question list:
- Print a copy to use when interviewing the individuals
- Download the document to a mobile device to take on the interviews
Options for recording the responses:
- Record the interview with a mobile device (after receiving permission from the interviewee)
- Enter the responses during or after the interview into the Interview Document using the printed copy or on a mobile device.
Part 2. Conducting the Interview
Using the Interview Questions, ask two or more older individuals (e.g., a grandparent or a senior citizen in your neighborhood) about social media and networking with others when they were your age.
Part 3. What did you learn?
Check with your teacher about discussing and sharing your results.
Part 4. What would happen?
TOPIC: "How would life be different for you if all the digital devices and social networking apps and sites went away?"
Some Assignment Options:
- Write a short fictional story with or without a partner about this topic.
- Create a role-play about this topic.
- Create a short video or presentation about this topic.
Competencies & Standards
MITECS Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students, and
1. Empowered Learner
a. Articulate and set personal learning goals when appropriate and to make choices on how to meet them, develop strategies using technology to achieve them and reflect on the learning process.
d. Understand the fundamental concepts (basics) of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies
Websites and Documents
Videos from Outside Sources
21t4s Documents & Quizzes
- 14.Q1 Interview Document
- 14.Q1 My Social Network Activity
- 14.Q1 Social Networks in Society Online & Offline- slide deck; PDF version
- 14.Q1 Social Networking Over Time Activity
- Vocabulary Quizlet