Q4. Global Interaction: Online
Online Communication & Collaboration
As you move through the next two pages, you will learn more about tools and tips for connecting in a virtual conference. You will have an opportunity to experience a synchronous video conference.
Question 1: How Can We Communicate and Collaborate Online?
- Read the Video Chat section from GCFGlobal. Stop after you have completed the Let's Practice question.
- Jot down your ideas to the following questions. Be prepared to share with a partner or as a class depending on your teacher's instructions.
- What happens in a synchronous video chat or online call?
- What are the requirements for a successful video chat?
- What tools can we use for a successful video chat?
Question 2: How Should We Behave in a Virtual Collaboration?
To learn more about the behaviors expected in virtual collaboration, you will play some videos to help you create an informational piece about how to conduct a video conference.
As you play the short videos below, take some notes regarding things that you recommend people should do in an online conference as well as things to avoid.
- 5 Do's and Don'ts of Webcam Etiquette YouTube (1:51)
- Video Conferencing Etiquette: The Do's and Don'ts YouTube (1:37)
- Video Conferencing Guidelines and Etiquette for Students YouTube (9:01)
- Read the Article: Video Conferencing etiquette: 10 tips for a successful video conference
Take a moment to jot down some key ideas about what you learned about behavior in virtual collaboration. You may want to create a T-Chart to help remember the Do's and Don’ts. Share your work as your teacher directs.
Competencies & Standards
MITECS Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students, and
Creative Communicator
6d. Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.
Global Collaborator
7a. Students use digital tools to connect with learners from a variety of backgrounds and cultures, engaging with them in ways that broaden mutual understanding and learning.
7b Students use collaborative technologies to work with others, including peers, experts or community members, to examine issues and problems from multiple viewpoints.
7d Students explore local and global issues and use collaborative technologies to work with others to investigate solutions.
Websites and Documents
Videos from Outside Sources
- 5 Do's and Don'ts of Webcam Etiquette YouTube
- Video Conferencing Etiquette: The Do's and Don'ts YouTube
- Video Conferencing Guidelines and Etiquette for Student YouTube
21t4s Videos
21t4s Documents & Quizzes