
Q2 Decomposition: Introduction

21. Computational Thinking


Decomposition is the first stage of computational thinking. You may have heard the word in reference to something dying or rotting. When something decomposes it does break down into something different.

In the case of computational thinking, decomposition is breaking a complex problem into smaller chunks. The problem can be as small as learning to tie your shoes or as large as constructing a new car that drives itself!

In this Quest, you are going to learn how to break a complex problem into smaller chunks.

learning objectives

I can:

  • Take a complex problem and break it into smaller chunks.

Discussion Question: While the video is being played as a class, think about the complex problems you solve everyday without formally thinking about the steps taken.  Be prepared to share your thoughts.

Note: You will only be playing the first 6:25 minutes of the video.

Computational Thinking: Decomposition (11:02 min.)

MITECS   Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students, and

ISTE Standards for Students

5. Computational Thinker
c. Students break problems into component parts, extract key information, and develop descriptive models to understand complex systems or facilitate problem-solving

6. Creative Communicator
d. Publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences