My Digital Life

Q2. Strategies & Tools Identify Strategies

3. My Digital Life

Identifying Strategies

1. Open your 3.Q1-Q2 Learning About My Personality Type slide deck.

2. As you watch and listen to the following Wellcast video, add additional strategies that you think will help you:

  • build on your strengths
  • with your struggles

Direct link to this Wellcast YouTube video (6:03)

Myers-Briggs & Productivity (6:03)


Locate the last column on your slides labeled "Technology Tools" that match your personality type.

  1. Look at the bolded & highlighted names of Technology Tool categories in the "Strategies Column" on each of your 4 Personality Style Slides.
     They include one or more of the following categories: 

    Collaboration; Note-Taking & Organizers; Teaching Others; Time Management
    Screenshot of the table on the slide for personality types and strategies showing bolded and yellow highlighted names of tech tool categories

2. Discover some technology tools that are helpful for your strategies. Visit the linked (sub-pages) on the right-side menu of this Quest.

screenshot of the side menu sub-pages, Collaboration tools, note-taking & Organizers, Teaching Others, and Time Management

3. Pick some of the technology applications and tools that match the categories in your Strategies Column and add them to your slides.

4. Set a personal goal to learn more about them when you have time.

5. On the bottom of each of the 4 slides are two questions to answer: "How well the Personality Type" identified describes you and if there were "Any Surprises I learned about myself."

***Check with your teacher if you should complete the "My Digital Life Final Artifact."

My Digital Life Artifact

  • As you think about the Personality Styles that you have been learning about, the last step is to create a My Digital Life artifact that you feel really describes you, your learning style, strengths, and struggles.
  • Check with your teacher about your ideas for the artifact.
  • Consider using one of the technology tools to create the artifact.
  • You may find additional descriptions about your four-letter combination Personality Style in the article, The Learning Styles of Every Myers-Briggs Personality Type, found on this website.

Possibilities: Copy and paste sentences from the 4-Letter Code Description document, write a paragraph, create a graphic organizer, and/or draw a picture with an explanation or other idea you have. Check with your instructor on how to share it.

MITECS Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students, and

ISTE Standards for Students

1. Empowered Learner
d. Understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies, are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies

6. Creative Communicator
a. Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.