7. Be Legal and Fair
Technology has brought about a potential crisis. It seems that a lot of artwork, literature, and music by some of the most creative authors, musicians, and artists have fallen into the hands of pirates. Their work is being shared all over the Internet as we speak. We need to put a stop to this. What would happen if your favorite musicians stopped writing and publishing their music? Do you want to listen to the music of your grandparents?
In this Thing, you will discover what we can do to make sure creative work remains under proper control. You will investigate copyright laws and report your findings back to your teacher. You will also find out if there is a way to legitimately use the work done by others so that you are not accused of operating illegally.
When you have completed this Thing you will:
- Know about copyright and fair use [Digital Citizen].
- Understand the social responsibility of using copyrighted materials [Digital Citizen].
- Know how to recognize and avoid plagiarism [Digital Citizen].
- Know how to use Creative Commons licenses [Digital Citizen].
QUEST 1: COPYRIGHT LAWS In this Quest, you will learn about the laws for using materials found on the Internet and how these laws apply to you and your activities online. QUEST 2: THE SOURCEIn this Quest, you will learn to cite the source of a poem or a lyric, the source of an image, or a photo from the resources provided. |
QUEST 3: PLAGIARISM In this Quest, you will use a plagiarism checker to check the content you copy from the Internet and a sample of your work for plagiarism. You may also be able to check the accuracy of information using an AI resource if it is permitted in your district. QUEST 4: STOP THE PIRATESIn this Quest, you create a poster discouraging piracy and play the Digital Breakout Challenge Activity. You will also learn how to create a Creative Commons License. |
I have completed the Quests as assigned by my teacher.
Go to the graduation page for this Thing.
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