
Q4 Cyberbullying: Completing this Quest

6. Cyber Safety


In this Quest, you explored activities, resources, statistics, and videos about bullying and cyberbullying.  You have completed this Quest when you can:

  • be safe on the Internet
  • know about bullying and cyberbullying and what they look like

Icon of digital portfolioIf you are using the Student Portfolio, complete the applicable boxes in the 6.Q4 Cyberbullying Slide of the portfolio.

 Check off this Quest on the 21t4s roadmap 

Proceed to the next Quest – 6.Q5 Stop the Bully

MITECS Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students, and

ISTE Standards for Students

2. Digital Citizen
b. Engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices
c. Demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property