Q5 Safe & Secure: Introduction
1. Basics
This Quest focuses on being safe and secure and includes:
- vocabulary
- passwords and usernames
- 2FA
learning objectives
I can:
- List three key points from my school's AUP.
- Create a strong username and password.
- Know tips on how to keep a mobile device safe and secure.
- Collaborate constructively with others.
Safe and Secure AUP Video Direct link (1:50)
Competencies & Standards
MITECS Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students, and
3. Knowledge Constructor
a. Plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits
Websites and Documents
- 6 Things a Safe Username Should Always Do from Dashlane
- 8 Do's and Don'ts Of Good Passwords from Educause
- Top Ten Tips for Teens on Strong Passwords from Cyberbullying Research Center
- AUP Examples
- Cell Phone Safety
- How to Create the Perfect Username-Lifewire
- How to Make a Unique Username-wikiHow
- Namechk
Videos from Outside Sources
- Broken Friendship YouTube (1:50 mins)
- How to Create a Strong Password YouTube (3:30 mins)
- Two Factor Authentication (2FA) YouTube (2:35 mins)
21t4s Videos
21t4s Documents & Quizzes