21 Things - Basics

Q7 Intro to AI: AI in Real Life

1. Basics


For this activity you will play a video about How AI is Making the World a Better Place, review some Real life Examples, and then have some discussion and reflect about the impact and future of AI in your life.

Should we be concerned?

New technology always comes with challenges, and AI is no different. Here are some of the concerns we need to consider when using AI tools: 

  • Privacy and data usage
  • Bias
  • Inaccurate information

Play the video on this page.

Video Title: How AI is Making the World a Better Place Direct link (1:35) YouTube


Consider some real-life examples: 

Netflix uses machine learning to make recommendations for new movies you may like that are based on algorithms that look at what you have previously watched.

Amazon provides product recommendations based on past purchases you made. When you indicate it was a gift, it is not included in your recommendations.

Gmail uses Smart Reply, which will suggest answers to questions based on how you replied to previous emails.

Uber and Lyft, both ride-sharing apps, can determine the price of a ride based on the database built by other riders and can minimize the wait time.

Plagiarism checkers can flag items based on those you previously marked or deleted.

Discussion and Reflections

Now that AI is shaping nearly every aspect of our lives and is expected to transform fields from medicine to agriculture to policingwhat do students need to understand about AI to be prepared for the world of work and to know how to be smart consumers and responsible citizens?

Pick one or two of the following to discuss with a partner, the entire class, or to write about.

  • Share your experiences where an AI-based application made suggestions or recommendations. Did it make a difference to your actions or decisions?
  • What is something about AI that concerns you, and why?
  • What are some ways that AI could be used in your classroom?
  • Should students use AI for homework? How could it be used to help you learn to solve problems?
  • Should we believe everything that AI tells us? Why or why not?
  • Can we trust the information we get from AI? How can you check if it's accurate?

On the next page of this Quest, you will be trying out some examples of AI. 

MITECS   Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students

ISTE Standards for Students

1. Empowered Learner
d. Understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies, are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies