21 Things - Basics

Q7 Intro to AI: Completing this Quest

1. Basics

Completing this Quest

You have seen some examples of AI in everyday life, learned some of the basic considerations and concerns of AI, discovered the importance of using it responsibly, and tried some Artificial intelligence-powered examples. You have completed this Quest when you have:

  • Defined AI in your own words.
  • Identified ways to use AI tools.
  • Evaluated ethical and privacy concerns when using AI resources.


Screenshot of portfolio imageIf you are using the Student Portfolio, complete slide 10.

  Check off this Quest on the 21t4s roadmap if it is used in class.

  I am ready to go on to Basics Graduation Page

MITECS   Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students

ISTE Standards for Students

1. Empowered Learner
d. Understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies, are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies