21 Things - Basics

Q7 Intro to AI: Training AI

1. Basics


In this activity, you will be teaching a machine to recognize an image, audio sound, or a pose. Both the image and pose projects require the use of a web camera, and the audio project requires a connect mic.

1. Check with your teacher about accessing this Google Teachable Machine Activity Icon from Google's teachable machine website for training a computer

 2. Visit the website teachable machine.withgoogle.com

3. Play the three Introduction videos on this page.

    4. Start by locating 2-3 objects that you want to train the machine to recognize.
    For example: 

    • Math class: Shapes 
    • Science class: Different leaf types, rocks 
    • English: Writing objects

    3. Select the Get Started button.
    You will have three choices: Image, Audio, or Pose Project. We recommend starting with the Image Project, and select the Standard image model.

    Screenshot of 3 choices, Image, Audio, or Pose

    4. Save the URL to your project with your teacher, and classmates. You might have fun sharing your project with your family members.

    Teachable Machine Tutorial 1: Gather (2:15)

    Teachable Machine Tutorial 2: Train (0:54)