Q7 Intro to AI: What is AI?
Video Title: What is AI? Direct Link, (3:05) from Caltech
What are Algorithms? Learn more about them.
What are some ways you already use AI?
Step 1. Look at the infographic that shows “Six Ways We Use AI Every Day.”
Step 2. Choose one of the six relevant ways in your life and complete this "How Do We Use AI?" document to identify how it supports your life. You may have encountered some, such as virtual assistants, chatbots, and suggested friends on social media, navigation, and language learning translation through personalized recommendations and ads.
Competencies & Standards
MITECS Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students
1. Empowered Learner
d. Understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies, are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies
Websites and Documents
- 4 Ways That AI Can Help Students
- AutoDraw
- Canva AI-Image Generator
- Fotor GoArt
- Google Arts & Culture: Say What You See
- Google AutoDraw
- Project-Based AI Courses for K-12 Students Developed by Stanford and MIT Graduates
- Quick, Draw!
- Say What You See
- Teachable Machine
- View the code.org How AI Works Activities and Lessons
Videos from Outside Sources
- AutoDraw: Fast Drawing for Everyone Direct Link (1:44)
- Draw, Sketch, Write. - Creating Student Projects with AutoDraw! YouTube (3:10 mins.)
- Ethics & AI - Privacy & The Future of Work, Direct Link (3:26 mins.)
- Features Impacted by COPPA YouTube (3:16 mins.)
- FERPA Basics Introduction YouTube (3:32 mins.)
- How AI is Making the World a Better Place YouTube (1:35 mins.)
- How to Use Quick Draw! with Google YouTube (2:59)
- Teachable Machine Tutorial 1: Gather YouTube (2:15)
- Teachable Machine Tutorial 2: Train (0:54)
- Teachable Machine Tutorial 3: Export (1:09)
- What is AI? YouTube (3:05 mins.)
- What is Artificial Intelligence? YouTube (5:08 mins.)
21t4s Documents & Quizzes