Q1 STEM Interactives: Engineering
There are interactive activities and additional resources located on this page that are focused on Engineering. Click on the "plus" symbol in each green field to check out the activities and resources.
- Check with your teacher about the expectations for your exploration into these Engineering resources. There are a variety of different interactive resources that can support your interests and learning goals.
- Some assignment options:
- Choose ONE of the Interactive Activities below and complete the Recording Document that is linked in the activity. If there is not a Recording Document, follow the steps in the activity and use a format of your choice to record your findings.
- Again, check with your teacher about the expectations for submitting the Recording Document or your work. Your teacher may have set aside time for you to complete all of the Interactive Activities.
- Write a brief review in the format that works best for you (i.e., Google Slide Presentation) about one of the Interactive Activities or the Resources below that you think would be the most useful to you in school. Include the information below.
- Choose ONE of the Interactive Activities below and complete the Recording Document that is linked in the activity. If there is not a Recording Document, follow the steps in the activity and use a format of your choice to record your findings.
- The name of the activity
- URL of the activity
- Topic you researched
- Two or three sentences describing the activity with a screenshot of it
- Two to four sentences telling why you recommend this activity and what you liked about it the most
- Share something you learned with another classmate or the entire class,
Be an Engineer of technology advancements and learn about the changes that have taken place in the home technology use from 1900 to 2020.
Think about how you listen to music, watch your favorite videos, or help clean your home. Exploring the home innovations of the past to current time will help build understanding of the impact technology has on our lives. Maybe YOU will come up with an idea to design a new technology tool that assists others in their daily lives.
- Use this recording document (Engineering Technology Over Time Activity) to work through the activity.
- You may need to share this document with your teacher as a proof or check for understanding.
- A little pre-reading. Click on the link (Background essay of what technology engineers have designed) and read about a few home technology changes that you may be familiar with (OR NOT!).
- Think about other technological advancements that you are already familiar with in your home. How might engineers come up this that idea? What problem might they have been solving?
- Let's dive into the home technology innovations. Follow all of the steps in the recording document linked in #1 above.
- Check with your teacher about handing in your work on your recording document.
Be an Engineer and learn about skate park basics with a goal of building your own skate park.
In order to design a gnarly park, you will need to know some of the design features that impact the energy when riding the halfpipe and ramps, to have steez on the ride. Once you have completed this activity you will understand some of the basics that impact all thrashers at the park.
- Use this recording document (Skate Park Design Activity) to work through the activity.
- Check with your teacher about working individually or with a partner.
- You will be exploring a frictionless skateboard track, making predictions, and then testing those predictions.
- After you feel comfortable with the exploration, you will have a chance to design your own track. This will put your knowledge to the test. No POSER here!
RESOURCE: Engineering Games
Engineering games are used to build your understanding of the physics and mathematics used to design tools that are used in various work and life spaces.
Below are three recommended games to play at Engineering.com.
Once you have played the recommended games, explore some other games that seem interesting to you.
- Assembler game linked here.
- Your goal is to stack the boxes in the shortest amount of time.
- Follow the instructions on the first level page.
- Complete as many levels as possible.
- Dynamic Systems game linked here.
- If this is the first time in the game, click on 1 to start level one.
- Hit, when items are added the work space, clicking on the item will allow you to move it around by grabbing the pink crossed arrows and rotating it by grabbing the black curved arrows.
- Complete as many levels as you are able.
- If you get stuck, get with a partner to discuss options.
- Last resort, click on the Solution icon to help you along.
- Bridge Designer game linked here.
- Click on the "?" icon to read through the tips/rules of the game.
- Hint: You are able to end the connector pieces in the middle/randomly in the air to add new nodes.
Now go to Engineering.com to check out other games related to STEM concepts.
RESOURCE: Design Squad Nation
Design Squad Nation puts the fun into learning all things Engineering. One cool thing about being an engineer is that any idea can end up as a final product that other people can use. It is all about creativity, teamwork and making awesome things happen.
Let's take some time to explore the Design Squad Nation by PBS. The funding for these resources was provided through a National Science Foundation grant - yahoo!
Steps to explore:
- Go to the Design Squad Nation website linked here.
- Scroll down to the Clips (in orange) section. Find two that are interesting to you and take the time to play each one. What problem might this project be solving? Is this a project you can do sometime? What are some things that you liked about the project?
- To get back to the home page, click on the Design Squad Nation logo/works in the top center of the webpage.
- From the home page, now scroll down to the Lean with Design Squad (in orange). Take some time to explore the "How Does it Work," "Real Engineers," and "What is..." Share some of you cool findings with classmates, your teacher, and at home with family.
- To get back to the home page, click on the Design Squad Nation logo/works in the top center of the webpage.
- If you have time in class or at home... you could do some the DO-IT-YOURSELF projects. So Fun!
Competencies & Standards
MITECS Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students, and
1. Empowered Learner
a. Articulate and set personal learning goals, develop strategies leveraging technology to achieve them, and reflect on the learning process itself to improve learning outcomes
d. Understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies, are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies
5. Computational Thinker
b. Collect data or identify relevant data sets, use digital tools to analyze them, and represent data in various ways to facilitate problem-solving and decision-making
c. Break problems into component parts, extract key information, and develop descriptive models to understand complex systems or facilitate problem-solving
Websites and Documents
- https://polypad.amplify.com/p
- https://www.desmos.com/fourfunction
- https://www.desmos.com/scientific
- https://www.desmos.com/calculator
- https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulations/filter?type=html
- https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/edu/learn/project/describe-rocks-like-a-nasa-scientist/
- https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/labs/
- https://www.si.edu/explore/science
- https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=https://static.pbslearningmedia.org/media/media_files/72efa416-618c-4f1b-b41e-e333306ede92/8b56d42b-4a8a-4399-90a5-a4c572ee2528.docx
- https://www.engineering.com/games/assembler/
- https://www.engineering.com/games/dynamic-systems/
- https://www.engineering.com/games/bridge-designer/
- https://pbskids.org/videos/design-squad
- https://apps.mathlearningcenter.org/fractions/
- https://apps.mathlearningcenter.org/geoboard/
- https://apps.mathlearningcenter.org/pattern-shapes/
- https://apps.mathlearningcenter.org/whiteboard/
- https://www.ck12.org/flexi/?utm_campaign=13996134672&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_term=flexi%20ck12&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5OrQxfqriAMViDcIBR0T4waUEAAYASAAEgJQKfD_BwE
- https://toytheater.com/calculator/
- https://pigly.com/calculators/for-kids/
- https://polypad.amplify.com/p
Videos from Outside Sources
21t4s Videos
21t4s Documents & Quizzes
- See Teachers Guide on each Activity summary