Q1 STEM Interactives: Math
INTRODUCTION to mathematics interactives
There are interactive activities and additional resources located on this page that are focused on Mathematics. Click on the "plus" symbol in each green field to check out the activities and resources.
- Check with your teacher about the expectations for your exploration into these Mathematics resources. There are a variety of different interactive resources that can support your interests and learning goals.
- Some assignment options:
- Choose ONE of the Interactive Activities below and complete the Recording Document that is linked in the activity. If there is not a Recording Document, follow the steps in the activity and use a format of your choice to record your findings.
- Again, check with your teacher about the expectations for submitting the Recording Document or your work. Your teacher may have set aside time for you to complete all of the Interactive Activities.
- Write a brief review in the format that works best for you (i.e., Google Slide Presentation) about one of the Interactive Activities or the Resources below that you think would be the most useful to you in school. Include the information below.
- Choose ONE of the Interactive Activities below and complete the Recording Document that is linked in the activity. If there is not a Recording Document, follow the steps in the activity and use a format of your choice to record your findings.
- The name of the activity
- URL of the activity
- Topic you researched
- Two or three sentences describing the activity with a screenshot of it
- Two to four sentences telling why you recommend this activity and what you liked about it the most
- Share something you learned with another classmate or the entire class,
Be a Mathematician that knows your virtual manipulative stuff!
Amplify's Polypad virtual manipulatives offer a full library of interactive tools for exploring and discovering mathematics. These digital manipulatives are designed to enhance learning by providing a hands-on, visual approach to mathematical concepts.
You will explore three specific examples of the virtual manipulatives in use and then check out other manipulatives that may connect to the mathematics you are learning in your math class.
- Copy or Download this Polypad Explorer recording document.
- Complete each of the three example explorations as outlined in the Explorer recording document.
- Winter Balance Scale Puzzle
- A Puzzle A Day!
- Integer Addition
- Take some time to explore the other virtual manipulatives/tools on the Polypad website.
- Reflect on your exploration in the Explorer recording document.
Be a numbers cruncher and learn how to use an online calculator to assist with your problem solving skills.
- Use this recording document (Dynamic Desmos Activity) to work through the activity.
- You will be exploring three types of online calculators:
- Four Function
- Scientific
- Graphing.
- These online calculators are used for online assessments. You are NOT able to use your phone so it is essential to practice the use of these tools.
- Someday you may be able to create images such as the one below within the online calculator - that would be rich!
RESOURCE: Math Simulations from PhET
PhET Math Simulations are built for you! To use in the classroom or at home, they provide web-based simulations to help you visualize and manipulate mathematics concepts in real-time. They are engages and allow for "virtual hands-on" exploration.
Let's enhance your mathematical problems solving skills by trying out the recommended simulations below. Then, explore others that may be of interest to you.
You may want to work with a partner to discuss what is happening. Work together to create some problems that could be solved by using each simulation.
For each simulation, click into it directly by clicking on the play icon in the center of the image. Start testing out the various buttons.
Now check out others that may be useful to you in your mathematical studies in middle school by going to the main Middle School Mathematics page.
To check out other grade levels and subjects, change the filters on the left of the page.
You are a middle school mathematician! Along the way, all mathematicians can benefit from the use of manipulatives that help bridge the gap in understanding the math concept being presented. Online manipulatives and applications are a great way to get started in a virtual representation.
The Math Learning Center has provided a free list of Math Apps!
You may want to work with a partner to collaborate on how to use the app.
Come up with some problems to solve or ask your teacher if they have a list of problems for each app.
Take some time to try your mathematics hand at the use of these apps. For middle school standards, it is recommended to try the apps listed below. For each app, read through the page that is linked to understand hot to get started and then click on the Go to web app button on the left of the page.
RESOURCE: Online Calculators
Many of us have mobile phones within easy access to use and our phones have a nice built in scientific calculator. With that, some of us are not allowed to use our phones, if we have one, in the school setting. So, it is nice to be able to access to an online calculator on our computer or chromebook.
Since you may already be familiar with the awesome Desmos online calculators (recommended to complete the Dynamic Desmos Activity), let's check out these simple calculators along with the interesting history provided about the calculator.
RESOURCE: Flexi Chatbot
As a middle school mathematician, sometimes we get stuck on how to do a problem and our teacher is not available. That is when Flexi may be able to help you with the learning process. Flexi is a chatbot create by CK-12 as an AI Student tutor. Flexi is able to help with almost any school content area.
For this exploration, let's focus on mathematics.
- Click on this link to take you to Flexi. If asked to sign in, just click on the "x" to close that window. You do not need an account to use Flexi.
- Ask Flexi to show you how to solve a math concept you are currently working on in your math class. If you don't have anything at this time, use the example: show me how to solve the addition of two fractions each with a different number as the denominator.
- Ask some follow-up questions if you are still unclear of how the solve any problem similar to the one you asked or need additional help.
- Check out the information on the right side of the Flexi chatbot page. Explore some of the other help features that Flexi offers.
Competencies & Standards
MITECS Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students, and
1. Empowered Learner
a. Articulate and set personal learning goals, develop strategies leveraging technology to achieve them, and reflect on the learning process itself to improve learning outcomes
d. Understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies, are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies
5. Computational Thinker
b. Collect data or identify relevant data sets, use digital tools to analyze them, and represent data in various ways to facilitate problem-solving and decision-making
c. Break problems into component parts, extract key information, and develop descriptive models to understand complex systems or facilitate problem-solving
Websites and Documents
- Ask Flexi-CK12
- Desmos 4-Function Calculator
- Desmos Scientific Graphing Calculator
- PHET Interactive Simulations
- Describe Rocks Like a NASA Scientist
- Engineering-Assembler Games
- Engineering-Dynamic System Games
- Engineering Bridge Designer Games
- Explore Science Nature-Smithsonian
- Math Learning Center-Fractions
- Math Learning Center Geoboard
- Math Learning Center-Patterns & Shapes
- Math Learning Center-Whiteboard
- PBS Kids Design Squad
- Pigly-History of Calculators
- Polypad Math
- STEM Profile Page
- Toy Theater Calculator
Videos from Outside Sources
21t4s Videos
21t4s Documents & Quizzes
- Candy Bar Geology Observation Document
- Student Recording Document Balloon Activity
- Student Recording Document Careers in Tech.
- Student Recording Document Tech Over Time
- Student Recording Document Skate Park
- Student Recording Document Polypad
- Student Recording Document Desmos