interactive learning

Q1 STEM Interactives: Technology

12. Interactives


There are interactive activities and additional resources located on this page that are focused on Technology.  Click on the symbol in each green field to check out the activities and resources.

  1. Check with your teacher about the expectations for your exploration into these Technology resources. There are a variety of different interactive resources that can support your interests and learning goals.
  2. Some assignment options:
    • Choose ONE of the Interactive Activities below and complete the Recording Document that is linked in the activity.  If there is not a Recording Document, follow the steps in the activity and use a format of your choice to record your findings. 
      • Again, check with your teacher about the expectations for submitting the Recording Document or your work.  
    • Write a brief review in the format that works best for you (i.e., Google Slide Presentation) about one of the Interactive Activities or the Resources below that you think would be the most useful to you in school. Include the information below. 
                    • The name of the activity
                    • URL of the activity
                    • Topic you researched
                    • Two or three sentences describing the activity with a screenshot of it
                    • Two to four sentences telling why you recommend this activity and what you liked about it the most
        • Share something you learned with another classmate or the entire class,

CAPTCHA & Careers in Technology

***Check with your teacher about expectations for completing your work on this activity.

1 Copy or download this 12.Q1 STEM: Technology Activity Document to use as you explore exciting and innovative areas in the field of technology.

2. Follow the STEPS in the document to play a video and answer some questions for the upcoming discussion.

3. Engage in thoughtful discussion after playing the video with classmates or as a class.

  • You will meet a scientist, Luis von Ann, a computer scientist who, at 30, was involved in creating the CAPTCHA idea used for security.
  • How did he come up with his ideas for a test that humans can pass but computers cannot?

3. Explore additional professionals that interest you and complete the information details in the table provided.

4. Write a short summary of the important points learned from this activity,

Check with your teacher about using the Hour of Code activity.

These activities offer interactive coding opportunities that work on developing coding skills from beginner to more advanced levels.


  1. Go to the Hour of Code activity page.
    • You do not need to log in to complete this activity.
    • If you already have an account or are allowed to create an account, your progress and any earned badges will be saved.
  2. In the top filters, select your Grade Level and Beginner (never used block/drag and drop coding) or Comfortable (some experience with block/drag and drop coding).
  3. In the side filters, check the box next to the following:
    • Sort by ~ leave as Recommended
    • Created by ~ leave as All
    • Classroom Technology ~ Computers
    • Topics ~ any area that is an interest to you
    • Activity type ~ Self-led tutorial
    • Length ~ One hour
    • Accessibility ~ any that apply to your learning style
    • Language ~ Blocks

    • Image shows what each filter field in the hour of code website looks like

    • Select the coding activity that best fits your interest.
    • Click the orange Start button.
    • If asked about website cookies, select Use necessary cookies only.
    • Follow the instructions within the coding activity.
    • Read through the instructions (and play videos if provided) and complete the steps as outlined within the coding activity.
    • Share your work, understanding, progress as instructed by your teacher.


In this activity, you will be teaching a machine to recognize an image, audio sound, or a pose. Both the image and pose projects require the use of a web camera, and the audio project requires a connect mic.

1. Check with your teacher about accessing this Google Teachable Machine Activity Icon from Google's teachable machine website for training a computer

 2. Visit the website teachable

3. Play the three Introduction videos linked below.

4. Start by locating 2-3 objects that you want to train the machine to recognize.
For example: 

  • Math class: Shapes 
  • Science class: Different leaf types, rocks 
  • English: Writing objects

3. Select the Get Started button.
You will have three choices: Image, Audio, or Pose Project. We recommend starting with the Image Project, and select the Standard image model.

Screenshot of 3 choices, Image, Audio, or Pose

4. Save the URL to your project with your teacher, and classmates. You might have fun sharing your project with your family members.

Two PBS Learning Video Crash courses in AI  (created in 2019)

Featuring Jabril and John Green Bot

PBS Jabril and JohnGreenBot opening video

PBS NOVA LABS has created an interactive Cybersecurity Lab

This activity can take up to three 55-minute class periods of time.

"Take cybersecurity into your own hands. In this Lab, you’ll defend a company that is the target of increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks. Your task is to strengthen your cyber defenses and thwart the attackers by completing a series of cybersecurity challenges. You’ll crack passwords, craft code, and defeat malicious hackers."

ACCOUNT: Students are encouraged to create a NOVA Labs account to be able to save their progress and generate Lab Report tracking their progress.


  • how to keep digital lives safe
  • spot cyber scams
  • learn the basics of coding
  • be able to defend against cyber attacks


  • Coding challenge: create a basic program to make a robot navigate a maze using drag-and-drop commands.
  • Password-cracking challenge: engage in "password duels" to learn how to make better and more secure passcodes.
  • Social Engineering challenge: identify a scam trying to steal information or money by listening to audio and reading transcripts. Can you trust the caller or not?
  • Network Attacks: defend your company from cyber attacks by earning resources from the previous three challenges.


Educator Guide includes Lesson Plans for getting started: 

Engage (10 min), Explore (20 min), Explain (15 min), Elaborate (45 min), Evaluate (20 min)

MITECS  Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students, and

ISTE Standards for Students

1. Empowered Learner
a. Articulate and set personal learning goals, develop strategies leveraging technology to achieve them, and reflect on the learning process itself to improve learning outcomes
d. Understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies, are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies

5. Computational Thinker
b. Collect data or identify relevant data sets, use digital tools to analyze them, and represent data in various ways to facilitate problem-solving and decision-making
c. Break problems into component parts, extract key information, and develop descriptive models to understand complex systems or facilitate problem-solving