Q7 Hungry Mungry
Click to listen to an audio recording of this poem by a student in Paw Paw Middle School.
Click again to stop it.
We know that it is important to eat well-balanced meals that are made up of different food groups, and to make sure that we are not overeating. In this Quest you will be examining the eating habits of a boy named Mungry as part of a case study for the Health Advisory Committee. Shel Silversteen tells us about what Mungry ate for just one meal in this poem Hungry Mungry. You will need to create a spreadsheet, a graph and chart to record what he ate from just the first stanza of the poem (it is in smaller type). You will then analyze the data and answer questions to prepare a report for the Health Advisory Committee on the eating habits of this young man.
1. Collaborating on data collection: work with one or two partners (if possible) to collect the information from the first stanza (in smaller type) of the Hungry Mungry poem. Enter the data into the spreadsheet provided
in Part One.
Part 1: Spreadsheet and data entry
2. Open the Hungry Mungry Spreadsheet Google Document
or this Excel file.
3. Begin entering the data by filling in the types of food eaten. Continue by filling in the quantity, servings and food group for each item eaten.
- In some cases, you may need to refer to the portion chart to determine how many servings Hungry Mungry ate of one food. (For example: How many servings do you think a dozen stewed tomatoes should be?)
- Helpful Hints:
- A Shank = about ½ pound of meat
- A boiled ham = 10 pounds on average
- Portion Size Chart
Part 2: Analyze the data
4. Preparing to analyze the data:
- Food Group: You will be totaling the number of servings per food group and then determine the total number of servings overall.
- You will create two charts to show the data in a visual manner.
- If you need help on graphs and charts visit the GCF Free tutorials:
- Excel Tutorials for charts
- Google Tutorials for charts and graphs
- Create a Bar graph to show total number of servings per food group. (Remember to include appropriate labels)
- Create a Pie chart to show percentage of servings per food group
5. Prepare a report for the Health Advisory Committee regarding Hungry Mungry’s eating habits that shows your findings and includes the answers to the following questions (refer to the portion chart as needed):
- How many servings did Hungry Mungry eat overall?
- Did he eat a balanced meal?
- What food group(s) should he eat less of? Explain.
- What food group(s) should he eat more of? Explain.
- Choose which chart or graph gives you the best representation of Hungry Mungry’s diet and include it in your report.
6. Challenge yourself: If Hungry Mungry had shared the food, how many people could he have fed?
7. Check with your teacher on how you should submit this project.
Completing this Quest
Save your document with the images and answers to your File Space or as specified by your teacher to submit your work and recommendation.
Check off this Quest on the 21t4s roadmap
Competencies & Standards
MITECS Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students, and
5. Computational Thinker
b. collect data or identify relevant data sets
6. Creative Communicator
c. communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations
d. publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for a variety of audiences
Websites and Documents
21t4s Documents
21t4s Audios & Videos