Gear light bulb

Q2. What's Your Problem? Completing this Quest

15. Design Thinking

Completing this Quest

In this Quest, you began the design thinking process by identifying problems to solve. You have completed this Quest when you have:

  • Used digital and non-digital observation skills to identify real-world problems that need to be solved.
  • Developed an understanding of the problem through empathizing with those whom the issue affects.
  • Defined a problem with a clear problem statement.
  • Identified the criteria and constraints for the solution to your problem.

Image of Quest 2 page of Design Thinking Workbook with image of tools

Screenshot of Portfolio

If you are completing the Student Portfolio, list the problem your team identified and the criteria and constraints that a solution to your problem would have.

  Check off this Quest on the 21t4s roadmap if it is used in class.

  I am ready to go on to Quest 3.

MITECS  Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students, and

ISTE Standards for Students

3. Knowledge Constructor
c. Curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts or solving authentic problems
d. Build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and solutions

7. Global Collaborator
d. Students explore local and global issues and use collaborative technologies to work with others to investigate solutions