Q3. Big Ideas Generate Ideas
Via canva.com
Check with your teacher about the following options for this ideate process.
1. For practice brainstorming use the 5-chair example activity to ideate (generate ideas) to solve the problems in the scenarios you read about earlier.
2. Jump right into brainstorming the problem your group has identified.
1. Practice brainstorming using the 5-Chair practice example activity:
- Check with your teacher about the process you will use for working with a partner, small group, or as a class for this IDEATE activity.
- Copy or download this 21t4s 15.Q3 Ideate: 5 Chair Design Activity
- Be sure to share it with your team members with editing permissions if you are working in a group.
- For each of the characters, you are to create a list of as many brainstorm ideas as you can think of to create possible solutions to their chair problems.
- When done think about the brainstorming activity you just completed. Were you able to: withhold criticism, create wild and out-of-the-box ideas, build on other ideas, stay focused on the problem, take turns, list lots of ideas that you recorded? Is there something you could do better next time?
Now that you have practiced brainstorming using the 5-Chair activity, it's time to brainstorm about your own problem by doing the Jump Right In part.
2. Jump Right Into the problem your group identified and start brainstorming about it.
- Open your Design Thinking Workbook to the Quest 3 slides..
Via canva.com
- Complete the Research and Ideate slides in your Design Thinking Digital Workbook with your project team.
Your next step is to begin narrowing down your list of ideas in Step 3.
Competencies & Standards
MITECS Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students, and
4. Innovative Designer
a. know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems
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