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Q1 Fire Rescue Brainstorm

2. Visual Learning

Introduction To Brainstorming

Your task is to work with a partner or small group to brainstorm ideas for how to help a family that has lost their home due to a fire. The end goal is to create a plan for organizing a relief effort to help the family who has lost their home.

Direct link to: 21things4students Fire Rescue 2.Q (1:28)



Some Rules to Brainstorm with a Graphic Organizer

Some digital graphic organizer tool suggestions:

1. Google Slides or Microsoft PowerPoint
2. Canva
3. You may have other digital tools suggested by your teacher or already know about.

For Google Slides: You can watch a Mind Map Tutorial with Google Slideshow YouTube (4:32) and/or make a copy of this Google Slideshow Brainstorm Document


Canva has free online graphic organizer templates for students to use., and can be shared with group members or a partner. 

  • Students can take a screenshot of their organizer to share with their teacher and add to your student portfolio.
  • To share an organizer online or by email students will have to create or use an account. Note: Some designs cannot be downloaded unless they are paid for.
  • Watch the short video tutorial to learn how to create a quick graphic organizer using one of the Canva templates. 

Video Title: Design Graphic Organizer Activities |Canva for Education video tutorial (2:45) YouTube

To advance to AI Cookbook you will have: 

  1. Saved your brainstorm digitally by taking a screenshot of it, or saving the resulting diagram from the app you used.
  2. Shared your ideas with the full class. and discussed some of the benefits of brainstorming.