Global Collaboration

Q1 What is a Global Collaborator? Teamwork

20. Global Collaboration

Part 2

The Importance of Teamwork
In an increasingly connected world, working in isolation is rare. But as you know, working in small groups or teams can be challenging.

Step 1: Watch these students participate in a digital collaboration in this Working Together Digitally Video.

Step 2: Reflect independently in your Notes Document:

What types of communication did the group try? 

        • What behaviors are stopping the group from reaching their goal? 
        • What could the group have done differently? 
        • What would you do if you were in this situation?

The Importance of Empathy and Cultural Sensitivity

Think about how you might prepare for group collaboration. Learning about your group members' beliefs and values can impact how you work together.  Understanding the skills, abilities, and interests of your teammates will help you to improve your group work.To get started, it is important that you understand what it means to “walk a mile in another person’s shoes," or how to empathize.  It is also important to understand how to show respect for the values, beliefs, and culture of another person.

Step 3: Begin by playing the video below on defining empathy.

Brene Brown on Empathy (2:53 min.)

Displaying Empathy Online
Based on the previous video, discuss with a partner: How do you display empathy online? How might you prepare for group work or empathize online?

Step 4: Play the video on Displaying Empathy in 3 Easy Steps.  

  • Identify the steps for displaying empathy.
  • Identify your thoughts about how empathy connects to global collaboration.
  • Add your thoughts in your notes document you saved earlier.  (Note: You will learn more about empathy and cultural sensitivity in Quest 2).

How to Show Empathy in 3 Easy Steps (3:34 min.)

MITECS  Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students, and

ISTE Standards for Students

1. Empowered Learner
a. Articulate and set personal learning goals, developing strategies leveraging technology to achieve them, and reflect on the learning process itself to improve learning outcomes
d. Understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies

2. Digital Citizen
a. Cultivate and manage their digital identity and reputation and are aware of the permanence of their actions in the digital world
b. Engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices

3. Knowledge Constructor
c. Curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts or solving authentic problems
d. Build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and

7. Global Collaborator
a. Use digital tools to connect with learners from a variety of backgrounds and cultures