Icon for Word Processing with a W and G for Word and Google

Gdrive Docs

4. Suite Tools

This is an Adobe Firefly AI-generated image of a laptop with assorted word-processing and other files.


Your goal is to learn to manage your Google documents and files, and use word processing skills (formatting, graphics, tables, etc.) for writing, editing, and sharing documents for your school work and future job activities.

Register for a Google account (if you don't have one)

Learning Objectives

When you have completed this Thing you will:

1. Understand how to use a word processing application [Empowered Learner].

  • Format and add: graphics, hyperlinks tables, headers, and footers to my documents.
  • Upload and download files in different formats.

2. Know how to use advanced word processing features [Creative Communicator].

  • Use the translation tool to convert to another language.
  • Use the speech-to-text feature to dictate.
  • Use text-to-speech to have it read to me.
  • Use the immersive reader features.

3. Share my documents with others online choosing appropriate privacy settings [Digital Citizen].

4. Collaborate with others on a project [Global Collaborator].

  • Use different sharing and commenting features.

Quest 1 Google Docs: Formatting Tools

Learn to use formatting features in a document you create.

Quest 2 Google Docs: Sharing & Collaborating 

Learn about and practice sharing and collaborating on a document with others. If your school allows access to AI resources there is an alternative activity provided for generating a poem.

Quest 3 Google Docs: File Management 

Learn how to download & upload files, change file names, add and organize folders with stars and colors.

Quest 4 Google Docs: Graphics

Learn how to rename a document, insert a picture, add a citation, and hyperlinks to separate reports or documents. You will also learn a bit more about copyright and computer ethics.

Quest 5 Google Docs: Tables

Learn to create and format tables.

Quest 6 Google Docs: Sweet Tools 
Learn about Shortcuts, Text-to-speech, Speech-to-text, Immersive Reader, and Translation.

I have completed the Quests as assigned by my teacher.
Go to the graduation page.