Productivity Suite

Q3 Present and Publish: PowerPoint Slides

11. Powerful Presentations


1. When your presentation is completed, check to see if you have met the assigned rubric or list of requirements (number of slides, time limit, type of final format such as .pptx and .PDF by reviewing them with your teacher

2. Practice makes a huge difference. You'll want to deliver a clear, informative, and/or persuasive, and captivating presentation with smooth transitions between each team member as you present. 

3. The Publishing Options on this page explain how to:

  • Publish your presentation to the web.
  • Share with others with different editing, viewing, or commenting rights.
  • You can export the presentation as PDF, MP4, MOV, JPEG, PNG, Animated GIF

4. Reminder: Before you share your group presentation, be sure to watch it and correct any spelling errors or formatting problems. Make any revisions needed and save it.

PowerPoint Presentation Tips

Visit this link for some "Simple Rules for Better PowerPoint Presentations" from GCFGlobal.

To publish your Desktop App presentation:

  • Open your presentation, select "Share"
  • Select "Invite People"
  • You will be prompted to upload it to OneDrive if it hasn't been saved there yet.
  • You can then enter email addresses to share it with others
  • You can select the level of access (view only, edit, comment, etc.

To publish your presentation from OneDrive:
You can make your presentation public, so someone who's searching the web or who clicks a link can open it in their browser.

  • Open your presentation in PowerPoint.
  • Select the Share option and select Get a link.
  • Choose "Anyone with the link can view" to make it accessible to the public.
  • Copy and share the link with others
  • You can also post a presentation on Facebook, Twitter, or other social network.

Publish Your Presentation from OneDrive

Publish in Microsoft Teams (YouTube video)

Practice, Rehearse, and Present with the Desktop App and Online PowerPoint

The Desktop app version for Microsoft 365 PowerPoint generally has more features than the online version. The main advantage of using the online version is the ability to do real-time collaboration and provides additional accessibility. The desktop app has more advanced and complex editing and formatting features, plus some customization options with design elements, animation effects, and layouts not present in the online version.

In most cases you can export your presentation to your desktop to use with the desktop app.

The video below shows the process using the Desktop App.

PowerPoint Practice, Rehearse and Record with the Desktop app Video (11:45 min). There are bookmarks on the video for the different parts.

The following alternative video demonstrates similar methods for turning your completed presentation into an .mp4 video file with your own voice narration that will play on: your computer, submitted into a Course Management System your school uses, or uploaded to a YouTube post .

The following video shows the process when using the online version. 

PowerPoint Practice, Rehearse, and Present with 365 Online Video (7:43)

Direct link to this video (7:43)

5. Final Reflections

Check with your teacher about reflecting on this experience. It might be a classroom discussion or writing a reflection about it.

A written reflection might include:

  • New skills I learned using Microsoft PowerPoint.
    • Identify at least three new skills you learned.
  • Three things I learned about collaborating with a group.

MITECS  Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students, and

ISTE Standards for Students

1. Empowered Learner
a. Articulate and set personal learning goals, developing strategies leveraging technology to achieve them, and reflect on the learning process itself to improve learning outcomes
b. Build networks and customize their learning environments in ways that support the learning process
c. Use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways
d. Understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies

6. Creative Communicator
a. Choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication
c. Communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations
d. Publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for a variety of audiences

7. Global Collaborator
b. With guidance from an educator, students use technology tools to work with friends and with people outside their neighborhood, city and beyond
c. Contribute constructively to project teams, assuming various roles and responsibilities to work effectively toward a common goal