Q5. Test & Improve Introduction
Via canva.com
In this Quest, you will test your prototype to see if it solves your problem. Your goal during testing is to gather feedback to improve your design.
Your process involves doing an Alpha test, getting feedback, then improving your design as a first iteration, then doing a Beta Test as a second iteration for more feedback, questions, and improvement.
Some videos are provided as examples of how others have built their prototypes and then tested them.
learning objectives
I can:
- Listen and observe to gather feedback from other people about my prototype.
- Iteratively (use feedback) improve my prototype repeatedly based on feedback.
WHY is testing important? Kahoot Game Option
Check with your teacher about being able to play a Kahoot! game to learn more about why testing (and prototyping) are important steps in the design thinking process. You teacher will need to set it up in advance by following directions provided in the teacher guide.
1. Go to the link for kahoot provided: kahoot.it
2. Wait for your teacher to give you a game pin to access the Kahoot!
Competencies & Standards
MITECS Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students, and
4. Innovative Designer
a. Know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems
c. Develop, test and refine prototypes as part of a cyclical design process
d. Exhibit a tolerance for ambiguity, perseverance and the capacity to work with open-ended problems
Websites and Documents
Videos from Outside Sources
- Giving Feedback YouTube (1:58)
- How to Test a Prototype with REAL people: User Testing a Functional Prototype YouTube (4:50)
- Innovation 101 YouTube (4:02)
21t4s Videos
21t4s Documents & Quizzes